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Hell yeah got my flying orders today. Class 04-16.

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Av Fan

Registered User
Anyone else in that class? It says that I RNLT 30 OCT, but the class doesnt start until 19 NOV. Does that mean I wont start API for 20 days?
Just wondering.


Friends of mine who reported in late June had an API "start date" that is long past and they're no closer to API than before. The haven't even started IFS yet. So, i wouldn't count on that date being set in stone.


So no $hit there I was
the 0416 means that you are scheduled to join the 16th class that starts in 2004. The general rule is that one class starts every week. So you can do the math on that one. Good luck. Right now API is really backed up, so you might be starting later.

Av Fan

Registered User
Well if I have to start later thats ok. I guess it gives me more time to get my run time down and "learn" how to swim. Anyways, thanks folks.


Hummer NFO
My report date is 05DEC...Ballpark on when I would start? I have been stashed for six months...I am getting pretty sick of sitting on my hands.


So no $hit there I was
Lol, get ready to sit on your hands some more. My friend reported in June a week after I did and he still hasnt done IFS or BOLTC yet. He keeps trying and they are just so backed up its rediculous. Things are supposed to be getting worse, which is why the Lt. is trying to have some people report in later. If you are reporting in December like that, I would definately be ready to get a stash job or something. The holiday break is only a few weeks after that, so they wont start you in any programs till after the break.


Registered User
I report to Pcola on Nov 14, but I've already done IFS, does this mean I'll class up faster or just sit at the beach longer? I got a buddy that reported in the begining of June cause he didn't have to do IFS (already had PPL) and he classed up in three weeks.....but he went to Vance. Apparantly when he classed up if you wanted to go to Vance you start up pretty quickly. Not sure if that is still the case.

And one more thing.. if I haven't gotten a call from this so called Lt. that makes people stay longer where there at now should I expect one?
Thanx I too am also REALLY tired of sitting on my hands, the Colorado BAH is kinda nice though.


So no $hit there I was
He isnt the person that actually calls you. He is trying to work something out with Millington (I believe is the place that cuts the orders) where fewer people report in for the next few months to help eliminate the backlog. I would assume that you would get a call or something from there. Im not sure exactly how that would work. Also, having already finished IFS will help you class up faster. You will still have to do BOLTC before you start API, and all the people already down here have priority, with the Academy guys first in line for the most part. I dont know about the Vance thing right now. When I was asked what Training Wing I wanted, I told them Corpus, because at the time they needed pilots very badly. Now even Corpus is evening out and they dont have as big of a demand. Luckily I got in when they still wanted more people. I believe that Whiting and Corpus are each taking 7 pilots a week. I dont know about Vance or Moody, and as always the Navy might change it. Good luck.


Helo Bubba
Last I heard, if you wanted vance or moody you classed up right quick. Not very many people want to go there and LT D is pretty good about getting people where they want to go.
My buddy is in vance and hates life. They make you stay and study rather than let you study at your own pace, and he had to go through 3/4 of the AF API once he got there. He does not recommend it to anyone.


Registered User
I report 19DEC to P-cola. Any chance I can report, then turn around and go somewhere(besides P-cola) to be stashed until I class up? Or do they want me stashed in the P-cola area? Right now I'm still at OU enjoying Football season, but would love to get some stash duty other than P-cola.
Any word on this?


So no $hit there I was
Nope, no deal on the reporting and then leaving. You stay here in A-Pool and if you get a stash job it will be somewhere on base. ie flight management, rescue swimmers school, the pool, etc. Though there are now quite a few A-Pool guys that are getting royally screwed. Navy postgrad school has decided that there are too many Ensigns just sitting around here waiting to class up. In all their wisdom, they have decided that a certain number of these unfortunate people will spend 6 months attending a class on IT. So if you end up getting chosen for this, you get taken out of A-Pool, sent to this class/classes for 6 months and when you finish all you have is 4 credits and you get to start over waiting in line to class up. Not something that I would look foward to.


Registered User
that would suck to go to Monterey for six months. Do you have any more info about who has to go, when they are taking people to do that, and if there is any way out of it (going to corpus, vance or moody)? I report Nov 14 and DO NOT want screw around for six months out of the A pool. Any more info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


So no $hit there I was
They arent even bothering to send people to Monterey. Navy Postgrad is sending an instructor down to Pensacola so the guys can take the class here. I dont know anything about who is going to be selected for this. The guys in the office that I talked to dont like the idea at all, but apparently the decision has been made. I will try and find out more for you guys. I would personally be pissed if the Navy wasted 6 months of my life for 4 credits and I ended up having to start the wait all over again in A-Pool. You dont even get a degree from this.


Registered User
No, the CO briefed the A-Pool guys on thursday about this and they asked for and got 30 volunteers for this program. They'll have a guaranteed class up date in april or something, but the good part is, that's 30 people I just moved ahead of in A-pool waiting to class up- that should take a few weeks off my wait :)
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