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Gun with history?


Okay, so my grandfather was in the Army Corps. of Engineers during WWII and helped to free Dachau. He "confiscated" and brought home a german luger. It has been passed down to my tree hugging/granola eating/ball-less brothers who don't really want it. So here is my question for all you - If I get the gun from them, is there a place- ie: military museum, etc. that would want to have it for an exhibit- or would that just be wasted on the public in which case I could just hand it down to my kids.

The only reason I'm considering donating it is because my grandfather, who don't get me wrong was a great guy, was in and out of VA hospitals all the time after being "shell shocked" and ended up killing himself with this gun 25 years ago.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Being a German Luger in itself is probably not a "museum worthy" piece unless he got it from someone famous/notorious. If he took it from a run of the mill german soldier.. Probably not so much.

Only way to know for sure is to ask though.


Thanks. I'm afraid I have no way of knowing any history about it as both my grandparens are dead, and my family is crazy liberal/anti-military so they never asked it's history.

So, I guess I keep it? Or maybe see if some gun dealer would want to take it off my hands or trade it. You know, it's almost Valentines Day and nothing says Happy Valentines Day like a nice Glock.



Well-Known Member
You do have a point. I am more leaning towards a Sig for "Two years without having to buy the Manatee anything for valentines day" present for myself though.


"I believe in ammunition"
Keeper, that's an incredibly sad story about your grandfather. There are too few guys of his generation around as it is. Perhaps you could keep the Luger as an heirloom without mentioning its postwar history to your descendants.


Now with even more awesome!
I'd keep it, too. Unless the memories are just too tough. But there is a lot of history and family ties to that piece.

My wife's great great (great?) uncle was a wall street trader who used all his buying power to try to corner the diamond market. . .in October of 1929. After the crash, he promptly walked into the bathroom at the NYSE and took his own life. After all the dust had settled, his previously rich family was left with not much besides the set of huge diamond cuff links (~18 carats each) he was wearing at the time of death. They have since become treasured family heirlooms passed down through generations.


Thanks for the replies. I was only 7 when it happened. I think that is part of why my family is so anti-military, which sucks because I find that very dishonoring to him.

On a brighter note, I'm thinking of getting my husband a handgun (he has none) for our anniversary. Anyone want to throw out some recommendations?


Registered User
On a brighter note, I'm thinking of getting my husband a handgun (he has none) for our anniversary. Anyone want to throw out some recommendations?

How much do you want to spend? What will he do with said hand cannon?


I love my husband, but he is a little nerdy sometimes. I'd imagine he'd use it to occasionally take to the range and hopefully shoot someone dead if they ever broke into our house. Right now all he owns is a 22, which is really not that cool- I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Hillary Clinton learned to shoot on a 22 with her grandfather, so it just gays it all up for me.

Plus I'd really like my boys to know how to shoot a handgun. My 13 year old has a bbgun and the 12yr. old has some sort of crazy japanese blowgun with poison darts that he sometimes uses to "communicate" with the rabbits in our yard. But I'd love to be able to have them learn how to defend themselves and our family.

Also, men with guns are hot, so there's that whole aspect to buying my husband a gun.

I was going to buy him one for Valentines Day, but went the whole humidor and a couple hundred bucks worth of cigars route. So I've got a couple months.