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Registered User
I have a 2.5 in finance, but would much rather have studied engineering, however I don't think my engineering skills would have faired much better. I took physics 3 times and more or less failed all three times, despite my understanding and comprehension of the subject.
My question is under what circumstances are grade wavers granted. If competition is extreme right now, why would they grant wavers for prk, etc, and how should I go about trying to get into OCS and a SNA slot. Should I try physics again, I feel I understand it, it's just those pesky grades that are then problem, maybe it's my test taking abilities.
Any info?


Registered User
This is a popular topic. I would suggest doing a site search for 'grades' and read those posts...then if you still need more...say so below, but I think your answer is already on the site =) Good luck.


BTW, I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't think that...but you might be able to find your answer without waiting for a long reply post.


Registered User
I never heard of grade waivers for low GPA. There are age waivers.. but you cant help your age.. you are going to get older. Your GPA you can do something about.. either study harder or you dont. Physics.. is a very important subject for a pilot or in the aeronautics.. the board will look at your scores in physics and calculus... and if you didnt do well.. then they probably wont select you.. not saying that you couldnt get a supply slot.. or admin job. GPA's are hard to bring up after your first year.. my major was political science when I graduated.. and my freshman year I was bio/chem so I took calculus but overall I didnt need it for my major that I gradu in. My board picked at that.. saying that my calculus grades were not good.. I said I know but that had nothing to do with my major.. and they said that I should of taken physics as well.. which they might look at as negative. I blew it off though.. I am not going to be a pilot so its not important for me. But in general.. you need a good GPA or at least have a lot backing your package.. tons of community service and leadership rolls, sports, etc could counter act it.. to get selected (probably not in aeronautics though). Good luck.
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