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Getting a flight contract from NROTC.


You wouldn't be busted because the Lt that gives the test locks you in a room with you, a pencil, a computer, and a stack of paper.

You would be busted though because you don't have time to sit there playing paper airplane all day. The whole test is pretty much rapid fire, and that's truly what gets people. You gotta beef up that hamster, and keep his wheel greased.

The MOI is good people, too. He's a straight shooter and likes to talk alot. He'll probably be the XO before you get here though. If you need any gouge about the unit that the feel good literature isn't telling you, just let me know. About the school, I couldn't care less, but the unit, I can help you with.

EDIT: If you truly, truly want to make an impression on people when you come here there are only a few things you need to do:

1) Be able to rip out an awesome PFT.
2) Learn some Marine Corps knowledge. Specifically rank structure and General Orders. I recommend getting your hands on that welcome aboard book that recruiters give to guys going to boot camp and learning it cover to cover.
3) Learn some drill. Facing movements and proper position of attention.

If you can do those on day 1 of Inform, you will have made an impression on everyone, and that opens doors, specifically the ones you want to have open.

Hell, looks like I'm good to go.

I can bust out a 260 right now, and I'm still working on it. I already know the whole USMC (and Navy/Army) rank structure, chain of command, and General Orders from JROTC. I also know pretty much every USMC drilling position and how to do it well (also JROTC).

Self-confidence = Way up.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Hell, looks like I'm good to go.

I can bust out a 260 right now, and I'm still working on it. I already know the whole USMC (and Navy/Army) rank structure, chain of command, and General Orders from JROTC. I also know pretty much every USMC drilling position and how to do it well (also JROTC).

Self-confidence = Way up.

good job on the PFT!!! :) the rates and ranks, chain of command and general orders of a sentry are sort of assigned the first day of JROTC though... lol.

small nit: i don't think you can call yourself a "marine-option midshipman" until you actually start NROTC in the fall.

did you already do your NROTC physical exam yet? i'm waiting for an appointment still.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Some of us didn't have money for flight sims all the time ;-) But really, all of the spacial stuff is intuitive when taken in context with the pull of acceleration. Your body knows exactly what's going on ;-)

Just wait until the Physiologists show you how your body can get it wrong.....or just read up on the JFK jr mishap


good job on the PFT!!! :) the rates and ranks, chain of command and general orders of a sentry are sort of assigned the first day of JROTC though... lol.

small nit: i don't think you can call yourself a "marine-option midshipman" until you actually start NROTC in the fall.

did you already do your NROTC physical exam yet? i'm waiting for an appointment still.

I've already done my physical, accepted the scholarship, and been in contact with the school. All I have to do now is show up.