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GERD issues


I just realized I should post in this thread rather than make my own...too late.

Hi Doc,

I recently underwent an upper endoscopy. My dad has reflux and actually ended up with Barrett's Esophagus so I want to be proactive. I went for the procedure because I occasionally have heart burn/acid reflux. Turns out that I have a very small, Sliding Hiatal Hernia which is asymptomatic. The upper G.I. concluded that I have some erosion in my esophagus (from the acid) as well as this sliding hiatal hernia deal. Anyways, I'm temporarily on a proton pump inhibitor called Zegerid. My doc (who happens to be a family friend) gave me a two month supply of this stuff and said it would heal my esophagus and reprogram my stomach to produce less acid. I'm hoping that after this regimen, I will be able to control my reflux through diet alone and the occasional antacid (Tums). I'm already a pilot (CFII) and have never had any problems with my civilian medical. I am putting together a package for SNA. What are my options as far as getting a waiver? Thank You!!!


Really old guy
I just realized I should post in this thread rather than make my own...too late.

Hi Doc,

I recently underwent an upper endoscopy. My dad has reflux and actually ended up with Barrett's Esophagus so I want to be proactive. I went for the procedure because I occasionally have heart burn/acid reflux. Turns out that I have a very small, Sliding Hiatal Hernia which is asymptomatic. The upper G.I. concluded that I have some erosion in my esophagus (from the acid) as well as this sliding hiatal hernia deal. Anyways, I'm temporarily on a proton pump inhibitor called Zegerid. My doc (who happens to be a family friend) gave me a two month supply of this stuff and said it would heal my esophagus and reprogram my stomach to produce less acid. I'm hoping that after this regimen, I will be able to control my reflux through diet alone and the occasional antacid (Tums). I'm already a pilot (CFII) and have never had any problems with my civilian medical. I am putting together a package for SNA. What are my options as far as getting a waiver? Thank You!!!

I have gerd. Prilosec...mmm, nectar of the angels.

Go here for further info: http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/NAMI/WaiverGuideTopics/pdfs/Waiver Guide - GI.pdf
"Waiver may be requested if symptoms controlled on stable dose of medication."

"Asymptomatic hiatal hernia that does not require therapy is NCD."

Anyway, you can help control your gerd with diet (see your doc). You can also elevate the head of your bed a few inches, try sleeping on your left side (less chance for the acid to get to your esophagus), etc. BUT, I think you would be much better off by asking your doc to investigate the possibility of giving you a drug, such as prilosec or nexium, which helps prevent the acid from forming in the first place. This will make pulling - Gs all the better.


Super *********
Super Moderator
I have a waiver for GERD. PM me for some more info. BTW, mine is controlled through diet and medication (Omeperzole or Zantac)



Pro-rec SNA
If you take medicine while on active duty for gerd.. like OTC, will you have to report that to the flight doc or have it on record? Or is that only if you need prescription?
MEPS doesn't like it when you keep GERD from them.

The officer training staff don't like it when you hide medicine from them.

You can draw conclusions from that.


Really old guy
You should report it. More importantly you should get it evaluated/treated properly. Prilosec is good stuff; it works and it won't get you grounded. You will need a waiver, but, that should not be an issue.


New Member
Question for the Docs/Experienced out there:
About a year and ago, I was having some mild heartburn problems, and I saw a gastroenterologist. On my medical documents from my EGD, it says moderately severe localized reflux esophagitis, but does not say GERD. I had a follow up at the gastro doc’s office about a year ago in which I saw the nurse practitioner there. On that report, it says Impressions: GERD with prior esophagitis. Since then, I have long discontinued use of the medicine (dexilant) that was prescribed to me, and the symptoms have completely disappeared. No tests were ran when I saw the nurse practitioner, but I believe she (and the gasto Doc beforehand) may have just put GERD because I told them I thought I had acid reflux. As I now live in a new city, I saw a new gastroenterologist today to do complete testing, and he told me that all issues have been resolved, and I am in perfect condition. He even mentioned he found me exceptionally qualified for military service and is writing a personalized letter for when I send my package to MEPS. He did not perform an EGD because he stated he found it uneeded since his testing thus far has revelaed that all issues are resolved, but he did say he would schedule an EGD if it was absolutely needed for me to be found physically qualified.
My main question is:
Since this new doctor's testing indeed reports that all issues have been resolved with lifestyle changes and that I have been off of PPIs for a few months, and I do not have GERD or esophagitis, will I be disqualified from Navy officer service when I send my documents to MEPS pre-emlistment/pre-comission? Should I have the EGD performed first and also send that in my report to MEPS? I really hope not as this issue was only minor heartburn in the first place, and now it has completely gone away. Thanks in advance.


Really old guy
DQ'd? Nope, not realistically. My best guess is that IF GERD-like issues show up, you will get the scope down the throat thingy and go from there. GERD is not a big deal and is routinely approved for a waiver....assuming the GERD is controlled with whatever PPI is prescribed. Do not Eff around with GERD. If you have it, treat it until the doc says no.


New Member
Hello All,
Just an update on my situation: After all my worrying, I have been cleared by MEPS to physical. It took a week to hear from them after my medical documents were submitted. In the future, if anyone has a similar situation, feel free to MSG me, and I will give you more details on how my situation played out.
