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Expected time from test/physical to OCS

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Registered User
I just went to a recruiter last week and I am ready to get the ball rolling this week. Is expecting to be in an Oct. or Nov. OCS class expecting too much? It seems others have taken many months and been reviewed and re-reviewed and still waiting to hear something. Do they favor getting girls in there by any chance? I was also wondering if I should expect there to be any girls at OCS. If someone could give me a time line as to what I should expect from this point on, I would appreciate it. I am going for NFO...the 2003 positions aren't filled yet. Seems exciting, so why not. Anything else to contribute would be appreciated...perhaps something I have not thought of. Thanks.


Your MOM!
I picked up a pilot slot for March 2003 about a month ago. Another guy got the same date for NFO a couple of weeks later. Maybe you'll get lucky with Oct! Wish you luck.

Don't sweat the small stuff!
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