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Active Member
Figure some other BDCPers might have similiar questions, so maybe they can use this thread to search it later on.
Doing the address thing for right now, should I use different people for each residence? Like obviously my best friend has known me at each of them, but I also plan to use him as a reference later on (i think it asks for people who have known you for a while). Any tips on that?
While doing the addresses, i was going to list my current roomate as someone who knew me in the dorms last year. Could be good, knew I was a good person was down to live with me. Or... since we now live at the same place, seen as someone who would be biased. So once again.. opinions...


is out to lunch.
It doesn't really matter what person you list as long as you list someone.

Thing to remember is... consistancy in time. You need to list your home as your place of residence for the summer inbetween dorms. That was a major pain in the @$$ for me. I just listed my mother as someone who knew I was there for each of the years. Again, the big thing is to not leave a period of time unaccounted for.


BDCP Crypto, OCS - July 9, 2005
I listed the same person for each different address, even though some were listed several times (home, dorm, home, apt at school, home, apt at internship, home, apt at school, apt at internship, apt at school). I pretty much just used my roommate at each place (except home, I used a friend). One of them I also used later as a reference.


His blood smells like cologne.
The key is to "try" not to use a person more than once, at least that is what they tell you. It isn't a big deal though. I agree with vette, make sure all the time is accounted for. Also make sure that you specify that all the times you have traveled to Afghanistan, North Korea, and Iraq in the last 10 years were for "pleasure." For some reason that was a big problem on my app.
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