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Super Moderator
adam28270 said:
Ok, then what I don't understand is that you commented on how SWO's are going out in the fleet directly. And then compared it to a Sub Officer? ANY officer that serves on a sub goes through a very tough school to get there. Just getting into the nuclear power school is a challenge. And then from nuc school, they go up to a prototype program and then a SUBMARINE SCHOOL, where... they learn how to operate and NAVIGATE a sub.

So, I ask you, how does your comment reflect on the idea that SWO's are going directly into the fleet to learn how to navigate OTJ?

Also, sub officers, do all this, to endure weeks of no sunlight, soo..... I wouldn't exactly call them "lunkheads" either. I for one, have great respect for anyone who serves on a sub, enlisted or officer.
I know that it's hard to pick up nuance and sarcasm from text, but let's not get bogged down in minutiae. Shoes and aviators will always be at eachother's throats, it's just a fact of life. As for the San Francisco, I know that none of us know the facts of what really happened, but I think that it's a pretty safe assumption that someone F'ed up pretty bad. **ATTENTION, SARCASM** Perhaps if their skipper had been allowed to go to SWOS, he would have been better able to navigate. **END SARCASM**

Is that better?



Sub Nuke's Wife
Wow!! This thread is going way off course here.

Brett327--I think the raised eyebrows are being generated by the use of the term "SWOS". It wouldn't apply to subs because they aren't surface warfare but submerged [submarine] warfare. Not trying to insult your intelligence here. Just an observation.

EngineGirl--Everyone I know who was designated SWO got the home port/ship they wanted. And like Steve stated above, billets are always opening up because of retention problems. I wouldn't be too worried about getting either port in my opinion.


To summarize...your choice of ship is based on what's available at the time your class selects...some classes get more of a choice (i.e. 06-03 had picked their ships, then our SWOs in 07-03 basically got what was remaining on that list). In other words, there isn't a list of orders for every other week, you might get stashed for a bit before going to your ship. It's mainly luck and timing, and I'm gonna lock this thing before it becomes a giant pissing contest.
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