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Down to the wire Pilot/NFO


New Member
Alright guys, my package is complete and is going up for the July 15 board and heres the deal. I only put in for pilot on my application because knowing the Navy (prior enlisted), there will be a better chance of getting pilot even if the Navy needs more NFO's. However, I've been hearing rumors that the boards are not accepting any age waivers from prior enlisted at the time, and in the worst case that I am not selected, I really don't want to wait another 6 months for a re-submission because I didnt put down a second choice. I guess what I am asking is, if there are five officers sitting at a table looking at packages and they need more NFO's than pilots, but all you put in for was pilot, is there a better chance of getting accepted because you appear diehard about pilot. I know the whole scenario is "what if" but if anyone is familiary with the intricacies of the board it would be a great help in me deciding if I am going to put NFO as my second choice.


Active Member
I am somewhat hesitant to reply b/c I'm not sure if this is the case, but from what I understand there are separate boards. One for pilot, one for NFO, SWO, etc. I could be wrong so somebody please correct me if so. I applied pilot only, and my recruiter said the downside to that was if I am a non-select than I have to improve my package in order to apply for the following month's boards. So, if I was considering NFO than I should go ahead and apply for it in the event that I cannot improve my app package. You only have to wait 6 months if you reapply with the same application package or one with little change. A lot of guys here applied and heard they were a non-select and retook the ASTB and got a better score... enabling them to apply the following month. And that proved to be the ticket for some of them.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I guess what I am asking is, if there are five officers sitting at a table looking at packages and they need more NFO's than pilots, but all you put in for was pilot, is there a better chance of getting accepted because you appear diehard about pilot.
Answer is NO! And there is not a chance they will take you for NFO if it is a second choice when there are pilot quotas available. So, if you are willing to take NFO as a second choice then better put it down. You also don't have to wait six months. If turned down for pilot on this board and you want to put NFO as a second then just ask for a re submittal (you can do that almost immediately, ask your recuiter)and add NFO.They should look at pilot a second time (little chance of a different outcome) and then look at NFO for a second choice. Good luck.

BTW, same board, same people, for pilot and NFO.
You also don't have to wait six months. If turned down for pilot on this board and you want to put NFO as a second then just ask for a re submittal (you can do that almost immediately, ask your recuiter)and add NFO.

Just to clarify. You´re saying I can apply for SNA and if NONSELECT i can add NFO and reapply with the same exact package the following month?


New Member
Fishy recruiter

Guys, I am new to the site and this may not be the place for it, but here goes.

I am in the same boat you all are. I am prior enlisted and trying to get picked up for BDCP pilot only. I get different answers from my recruiter depending on the day I ask. I try to confirm with another recruiter and he tells me my recruiter is full of it.

Currently I have missed the June board due to a "swamped recruiter". Every time I call, it seems he is "just getting around to looking at my package" which sometimes involves stuff that needs to be fixed at the last minute.

(1) Is there anything I can do about this? Can I go through another recruiter?

Currently I have 1 1/2 months on new eyes (PRK) and I am waiting on a "pre-approval" from the board before I go to MEPS and get the medical processing. This is according to my recruiter. Also the board convening date changes. As of now, the deadline for the July board is 1July08.

(2) Shouldn't I have ran a PRT by now? How long do I really have to wait for PRK? Are previous military medical physicals/forms usable? I separated last October.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone even knows where to go for the actual instructions I will do the digging and post it.

Thanks in advance.



Currently I have missed the June board due to a "swamped recruiter". Every time I call, it seems he is "just getting around to looking at my package" which sometimes involves stuff that needs to be fixed at the last minute.
Recruiters are busy. They have difficult jobs. You're applying for a pilot slot and you want the government to throw you free money. Don't expect people to rush to get you these things. I'm guessing your recruiter is more concerned with getting nuke guys, which is what they really need right now from what I've seen. His job is to staff the Navy with what it needs.

(1) Is there anything I can do about this? Can I go through another recruiter?
I don't know. I can't imagine that would speed anything up.

Currently I have 1 1/2 months on new eyes (PRK) and I am waiting on a "pre-approval" from the board before I go to MEPS and get the medical processing. This is according to my recruiter. Also the board convening date changes. As of now, the deadline for the July board is 1July08.
I don't know anything about PRK. There's a forum for that and the NOMI information is all online.

(2) Shouldn't I have ran a PRT by now? How long do I really have to wait for PRK? Are previous military medical physicals/forms usable? I separated last October.
There's a timeline on those things. Search.
I did my PRT after I got my pro-rec.

If anyone even knows where to go for the actual instructions I will do the digging and post it.
Use the search.

Good luck to you. It can be hard getting used to the Navy way (or really the way any large organization will work), which seems to be (again, I'm new to this but in my personal experience) "Hurry up and wait." Lots of people are going to be working to get your application in and reviewed; it'll just take time.

EDIT: I realize my post might look mean or harsh.. I don't mean for that to be the case. Just trying to give friendly advice :)


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Just to clarify. You´re saying I can apply for SNA and if NONSELECT i can add NFO and reapply with the same exact package the following month?
Yes. Time delay is a few weeks, don't remember how long. It is a re submittal, not reapply.
Reapply is after six months, if i recall, and basically is a do over paperwork wise.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Picaroon is pretty much on the money. You can't go to another recruiter. If you are having issues with your actual application you should be dealing with the civilian processor. He is supposed to handle those details so your "swamped" recruiter can do his job. You can bump it up the chain of command. Talk to his boss (DH), the Officer Programs Officer. Don't put him on report, at least not yet, just say your recruiter was real busy and you had some questions. Good luck