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Don't be that guy!


Registered User
There have been lots of threads with very good advice about what to expect, what to do in a particular situation, what to take with you to OCS, etc. But I got to thinking, there is probably lots of valuable info out there about what not to do that does not have a central location. So here it is. I have not been to OCS yet, so I don't have any personal experiences to share. I want to hear from the salty ones. Either personal stories, or stories of fellow candidates doing something that, well, they probably shouldn't have done. This is not a thread to try and bash someone for doing something stupid. No need to point fingers, keep thing anonymous. This thread is meant to be informative and educational of what NOT to do for those of us shipping out soon. I will start off though with an experience that was shared elsewhere on this board.

Don't be the guy at the mall on weekend libo trying to pick up chicks and/or find a lay. Everyone knows who you are, why you're there, and all in all, you won't succeed and just look rediculous even trying.


Dean of Students
I feel like this has been done. There's tons of "what not to do" stories in the other OCS threads. Reading all this gouge on the experiences of OCS is a good reference point for getting a general idea of what OCS will be like. However, nothing compares to doing it. No matter how much you read this stuff, you will make the same mistakes that have been made in the past.

Packing lists are a HUGE help, and you can read OCS threads till you're blind, but your first day of training will teach you more that any thread has.

Oh, and if some girl at Potomac Mills Mall wants to find out that you're wearing silky skivvies under your khakis, I'd go ahead and let her.


don't be the guy to go out of bounds on liberty, or you'll be the guy who gets dropped. Also, don't be the guy who is hated by his peers, because they have a huge influence on if you get dropped or not. Don't go to P.Mills on libbo--take the train from Q-town and head up to D.C., much more women and much less candidates running around. One last serious one, don't come physically weak and get dropped. There were a lot of good candidates who ended up with stress fractures and the like and got dropped. I may be wrong, but the more you train prior to OCS, the less likely you will get a stress fracture (and yes shin splints will send you home, so if you're in pain, pop those motrin and suck it up, it's only 10 weeks, or 6 for some of you weaker candidates! ha ha, kidding. I would hate to have to go to OCS twice!)


Registered User
don't be the guy to hit on the colonel's daughter at the local restaurant that she waitresses at ...

wasn't me, but my buddy did meet her, although i don't think he hit on her. definitely woulda been funny if he had though

Malice 1

DOn't hit on girls period. Especially at potomac mills. Your silly haircut and khakis lets everyone know your a candidate. Trust me, on libbo all the mall employees and patrons just roll thier eyes at you guys and silently think: "Why did the Marine Corps let "them out again.

While training: If you have a chance to urinate, be sure to use it. You might not get to go again for 15 minutes!


New Member
pjxc415 said:
don't be the guy to hit on the colonel's daughter at the local restaurant that she waitresses at ...

wasn't me, but my buddy did meet her, although i don't think he hit on her. definitely woulda been funny if he had though

So what I take away from this is...don't be that guy who just makes things up, then when the truth comes out and he has to admit none of it really happened, he just looks like a big tool.


Simba Barracuda.
don't be that guy who doesn't know rank insignia. i was that guy for a while (i was motivated to learn it pretty quickly). trust me, you don't wanna be that guy. it gets painful.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Crowbar said:
So what I take away from this is...don't be that guy who just makes things up, then when the truth comes out and he has to admit none of it really happened, he just looks like a big tool.
Thank you

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
T-man said:
Don't be the guy at the mall on weekend libo trying to pick up chicks and/or find a lay. Everyone knows who you are, why you're there, and all in all, you won't succeed and just look rediculous even trying.
Let me rephrase: Don't be that guy who has a contruction job working part time, going to college, and wants to be a Marine Officer. All the recruiters know who you are because you're a dime a dozen. You won't succeed in getting in and will just look rediculous even trying.

Lesson: No risk, no reward. The guys that try sometimes get the hot chicks. The guys that don't....well, don't.


Hangar Four
Steve Wilkins said:
Let me rephrase: Don't be that guy who has a contruction job working part time, going to college, and wants to be a Marine Officer. All the recruiters know who you are because you're a dime a dozen. You won't succeed in getting in and will just look rediculous even trying.

Whats wrong with working and going to college? My experience is that they want dedicated people like that, paying their own way and what not...

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
jamnww said:
Whats wrong with working and going to college? My experience is that they want dedicated people like that, paying their own way and what not...
You completely missed the point, and it has nothing to do with working part time in college.