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Doh, denied... Advice?

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Registered User
Well, alright.

Two weeks to the day after submitting my package, I received a denial from the board for my application package (just talked to my recruiter like 2 mins ago).

Anyway, my recruiter said he wants me to get another semester of grades under my belt, do the best I can, and then resubmit at the end of the year. I asked whether it would do any good to resubit my package right away, but he said that they want to look for how the package has changed as of the last time I submitted, and that I shouldn't bother sending it in again this quickly.

Does anyone have an opinion on that? Whether I should just blast it back to them here right away?

I mean, my grades (as I've mentioned previously) are my only real downfall right now (~2.4 GPA). The rest of my application package, according to my recruiter, is very strong, and my ASTB scores are up there as well (58/8/9/8).

Ugh... I know I keep hearing never give up, but, it's still tough, even knowing and telling myself that I was probably going to be denied the first time around.



Registered User
Sorry to hear the bad news, I would listen to your recruiter and just get better grades next semester, since your still in school I hope you don't view this as the end of the world. I imagine if you show the board improvement they'll see your committed and as you already know your test scores show your capable


Registered User
how much more time do you have left in school? if you are running out of time than you might ask your recruiter for alternative changes that you could possibly make, which they would allow you to resubmit sooner instead of GPA. If you have time before you graduate I would give it another semester and really work at bringing your grades up, because it sounds like that is what is really hurting you right now.
I see that you are from Colorado. I then can assume that you are submitting your app through NRD-Denver. I can tell you from working with them that they probably won't resubmit your package until some positive change has occured (just my impression, didn't experience this though).


Registered User
Sorry to "hear" your bad news, Nate. Are you a CU student? I work on campus, and I know that there are plenty of distractions around here to draw your mind away from studying.
I agree with everyone else, though, try and get your grades up and reapply. I didn't get in the first time around either, and I know how frustrating it is, but you've gotta keep trying. I know that sounds so trite, but that's just how it is.


Registered User
Sorry for the bad news, but for your question I would certainly reapply. When I applied my first time I was rejected due to grade performance. My gpa was around a 2.9. My recruiter told me they would put my file on hold for a semester until I could prove to the selection board I could get good grades. So I busted my ass that semester and earned a 3.75 gpa. Make a long story short I was selected for pilot after I resubmitted. So I would listen to your recruiter.


Registered User
Sorry to hear the news. My husband was told the same thing, twice!!I guess the third time was the charm, and he finally got in! It took more time, and more schooling than we initially thought, but it paid off. Just hang in there, get another semester under your belt, and resubmit!


Registered User
Thanks for all the encouragement and support guys. I mean, this wasn't altogether a shocker. I figured my GPA would bite me in the ass... was just a little surprised to get the notice of denial so freakin soon! :)

Anyway... I guess now I have some serious motivation to kick GPA ass this semester and re-apply in December. I hope the '05 flight slots aren't filled by then!

I now have over 4 months to become a Navy machine :) Time to start some PT!

Alright, well, thanks again guys... here's to the Fall semester!



Registered User
I have been curious as to the outcome of your application. I applied in early May about the time, they "closed" the slots for SNA. I was waiting to see if you would have any luck with the later time for your starting date. I was also rejected in May after two weeks. I think they simply are not taking any pilot applications right now.

I also got word from my recruiter saying to wait until the end of the year, and then to reapply. I have graduated from school already, but my application was "pretty strong," too. I am just trying to improve myself in anyway that might make me more marketable to the Navy in the meantime.

Good luck with the wait.



Registered User
How many semesters do you have to bring up your GPA? Its not good at all. It is hard to bring up your GPA too. Mine sucked.. I was a chem/bio major my first year with a 2.3GPA. I was able by my junior year to get a 2.9 .. which still isnt that good.. but my senior year did not count since I was at the Sorbonne in Paris.. so I had 30 credits that didnt count towards my gpa.. just counted for graduation. I enlisted anyway because I wanted to be in the Navy. If you really want to be in the navy.. go enlisted.. but it will take you a long time to reapply for OCS. but.. the board probably think that since you enlisted anyways that you really want to be in the Navy and will work hard at being an officer. I am not saying go enlisted.. but its an option. Your OAR score is good. If you can get some leadership under your belt and community service.. and any sport teams.. that looks really well rounded. You have to show that you really want this... and not working on your grades.. and making improvements.. dont expect getting selected.. you have a bunch of enlisted folks who really want to be an officer and have proved to their commands that they are warrented of the position. Good luck.. but wait and work harder.
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