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Registered User
Just got my rejection letter. Can't say I'm shocked, but I can say that I am extremely disappointed.

My stats:

OAR 58, AQT 8, PFAR 8
PRT: 53 Pushups, 47 Situps, 12:27 Run
GPA: N/A (I went to a school that was Pass/Fail UC Santa Cruz)
Degree: B.S. Information Systems Management

I did not pass the depth perception test at MEPS but re-took at a civilian doctor and passed w/20 seconds of arc. However, this result was not delivered to the board (my recruiter did not request them from the doctor).

Besides the PRT (which was clearly lacking), what else do you think I can do when reapplying?? I can have my school include my 'narrative evaluations' in my transcript this time which might help the board see that I actually did quite well at school (guess I should've done that the first time).

Oh yeah, I will be reapplying for pilot.


Registered User
Sorry to hear this. What were your #2 and #3 choices?

From my modest experience, I think the lack of a GPA and the incomplete vision results could have been the main factors. The board didn't even consider me until I had a the vision portion of my MEPS exam corrected (the medical tech screwed it up). If they have a package which states you failed depth perception, I don't think they would be able to offer you a pilot slot.

Timing also appears to be an important factor.


Registered User
your run time is an automatic reject. That happened to me the first time with similar times. I'm going to guess that your school is an accredited university? I would get the naratives sent and send your depth perception to them. They asked for my arc b/c I failed meps depth perception also. I'll be reapplying soon. Best of luck.


Registered User
yes, the school is a University of California campus... and I think you're right about the depth perception portion... in retrospect, I should have made sure that the civilian optometrist's results were included... but then again, so should've my recruiter... anyways... i'm off to run...


Registered User
Scrup, I don't pretend to know what the board is looking for, but with the exception of the PRT, your stats all look pretty good. 8, 8, and 58-- I don't think you'd be able to find very many people with scores that high.

The navy only needs you to have a BA/BS from an accredited school. I don't know for sure that the pass/fail thing was a detractor, what's your recruiter say about it?

The only other thing that comes to mind other than your PRT is your activities. Did you play any sports in HS or college? I've heard that they like to see that. If not, that coupled with you low PRT could have been the thing that got you.



Registered User
I'm not totally in the loop as to how the board chooses people, but I think the PFT is often overrated on this board. I know of people with run times over 12 minutes that got in.


Registered User
hey scruples. sorry man. make sure you apply again though. You'll probably get it the second time around. hey what was your 2nd and 3rd choices?

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
my 2nd choice was NFO, no 3rd choice, as I did not know I was entitled to make one, thanks to my recruiter.

I just got off the phone w/him and was told to wait until December to resubmit. I told him that I was interested in resubmitting ASAP, but he thought that would be fruitless. In regards to my PRT, he said he didn't feel that improved scores would make a difference. Regarding my depth perception, he indicated that I would have received a medical disqualification rather than the standard rejection notice. Finally, I found out that he DOCTORED my official transcript and arbitrarily assigned grades to the classes that I had taken. This last part is extremely disconcerting to me. Now, if I reapply, I will have difficulty submitting my evaluations. I have no idea what my made-up GPA was, but that is the most fucked up thing that I have ever heard.

What do y'all think?? Should I insist on reapplying immediately and re-run the PRT??

I think that I should report his transcript altering to the proper authority too, but I'll hold off on that. That just blows my mind that he did that w/o informing me.

I am soooooo pissed now... and earlier I was just disappointed... maybe I should find a different recruiter in Los Angeles or something... do you think that my package could be transferred to another recruiter??

and finally, he said as of yesterday that there were 23 SNA slots available...

Edited by - scruples on 09/12/2002 16:59:28


Registered User
well, if he doctored your transcript, then it is above a 3.2 b/c that is what they are looking for. I can almost guarantee you that it is your PRT run time. They changed the run from 13:30 to 12:00 this past May or June. That is why someone knows ppl with higher run times. You need in the 11's and you will be good to go. No guarantees of course ;)


Registered User
one last thought before i quit brooding over this shit...

do you think getting a private pilot's license would be useful when reapplying??


Registered User
Scruples don't even worry about it. The first time I applied in May 01 I was rejected flat out. They even sent me a letter telling me I should enlist. I reapplied in jan 02 with astb scores 4,6,6,4,3 and OAR of 43. My prt was 52 pu's, 51 su's, and a run time of 13:20. My gpa was about a 3.1 with a ppl and around 100 flight hours. Also, my major was criminal justice. Make a long story short i was accepted into the bdcp with a sna slot. Best news of my life. Just check into your transcript issue and reapply. Don't give up and you will surely meet your goal.


Registered User
navy101, they changed the requmts. You can take it with a grain of salt, but you might want to check the new prt reqmts.


Registered User
hey ghost..is there a link to the new prt requirements? Are they only applicable to aviation candidates? Cause I checked with my recruiter concerning the PRT time requirement. He said that my run (12:30) was good to go. I would hate to get rejected because i was 31 seconds off.


Registered User
The last time I looked at the new prt standards(hour ago) it said for males between 20-24 to have a run time of 13:30. Besides, I was told by the navy I needed a run time of less then 12:00 to get a pilot slot and look what happened to me. May 5 2003 OCS!!! Good luck to everbody and hope to see you all in pilot training.
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