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Couple Questions....


Registered User
First off, I'm new to the site and I must admit I'm very impressed. Second I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section or not, but here it goes. I'm a freshman in college studying aerospace engineering and I'd really like to become a pilot. Preferably, in the navy. I spoke with an officer recruiter earlier and he said that you need a 3.7 gpa just to be competitive for a flight spot? Does that sound about right? I guess what I'm getting at is what branch of the service has the best oppurtunity for attaining a flight spot? And what program would be the best one to go through for a flight spot? Any info you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


First of all, I'd say having a 3.7 gives you a warm fuzzy, but the Navy doesn't have GPA cutoffs and what not, especially when some majors are harder than others.

The Navy and Marines will both let you know that you'll have a flight slot prior to heading to OCS...I would assume that the Air Force does the same.

The two options that look good for you now would be the Navy's BDCP (they pay you to finish school, then you go to OCS) or Marine PLC (two six week summer sessions, one after your soph year, one after your junior year).


Registered User
Good luck with the engineering, sounds pretty tough. Yea the navy has no GPA minimum however I heard they may start to have a 2.5 min. I had a 3.0 with a non technical major and I still got a slot. Alot of it has to do with the needs of the navy and what program you are in. I'm in ROTC so we get alot more slot than other programs. Even with under a 3.0, with an engineering major you have a bit of an edge. As far as what service is the best for flying...The navy of course!! Then again I can't say my answeris completly unbias. the air force has a great flight program to. and that all they pretty much do is fly planes. However, the navy has alot of aircraft too, something like 3800 maybe more, and a fairly large need for aviators. Not to mention the traning program is a little more relaxed. I'm not saying the navy is easier its just a little more JO friendly. You don't have to do stand EPs, and you have a little more autonomy than AF students. Anyway before I get on a tangent I hope that answers your questions. Good luck and hope to see ya out in the fleet one day.

Ex Rigger

Active Member
No offense to anybody, but it always bothers me when people don't capitalize Navy.....navy is a color, usually found in a box of crayons. The Navy is a branch of our armed forces. [/tangent]


Remove before flight
Work as hard as you can to bump up your GPA but the Navy isn't going to throw out your app just because you don't have a 3.7, especially in an Engineering major. I know of people down here in the program that had everything between a 4.0 and a 2.5 with majors from Aerospace Engineering to Political Science or English and they are still here. If you fall in what you consider to be a "low GPA range" just work harder to make other parts of your App stand out, like rock the PFA or have a lot of leadership activities. GPA does matter somewhat to the Navy but they don't just want smart people with no personality or leadership skills.