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Competitiveness of OCS selection??


New Member
Hey everyone...I just registered with the site and I had a few questions I was hoping ya'll could help me out with. I'm currently a junior in college(international affairs major, minors in homeland security and economics). My BDCP application was rejected last year, and I'm currently in the process of reapplying. My grades are sub-par...3.0 cum as of now but they've been on the consistently on rise since I ended my freshman year with a 2.2. Extra curriculars and LOR's are both pretty strong.

Anyways...as far as my applying goes NFO was my first choice. I'm also really interested in going intel but my recruiter told me that it was extremely competetive and being that I don't have the strongest application I didn't want to waist a chance to put down a less competetive feild like supply or surface warfare where I'd be more likely to be accepted. So my question is how much harder is it to get accepted to intel than the other in comparison to the other programs.

The second question I had is about OCS. Should I not get accepted into BDCP this time around which I know is a very likely scenario..I was wondering how much more likely, if any, would be to get accepted into OCS after I graduate. I come from a Navy family I really am detremined to be an officer...preferably NFO or Intel but honestly I'll take any job to get in. I was also wondering if going to grad school and getting my masters right after college would make my application for OCS any more competetive than applying right out of college.

Thanks for your time any insight would be much appreciated.