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College senior seeking OAR wisdom


New Member
Hello everyone:

I am a college junior dual majoring in Political Science and History at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan (my hometown). Right now I am looking for study guides for the OAR, with the goal of serving as an Intelligence or Surface Warfare Officer. Surfing this site has not been much help, unfortunately, as it seems to be mostly a discussion forum (my officer recruiter first referred this site to me but did not recall much about it). Any navigation advice on finding study tools will be highly welcome.

My weaknesses for OAR are Mechanical Comprehension and Math. I took calculus my first semester of college (2.5 years ago) and am taking a mid-level statistics class now. I want to take the OAR before my senior year begins and also have enlisting in the Navy (or perhaps the Air Force) if I am rejected for OCS.

Test prep books (i.e. Barron's, Peterson's guides, etc.) are on my radar for study materials, but I just wanted to ask you all what you have used and what you suggest for preparing for the OAR. Time management during studying and for the test is a large concern of mine, as I'm sure it is for you as well.

Well, there's a brief introduction of me. I look forward to your suggestions.


Surfing this site has not been much help, unfortunately, as it seems to be mostly a discussion forum
Tossing an insult isn't quite the best way to make an impression. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't read your post before adding it... You may not know it, but this is by far the best resource you could find. Look a little harder, Luck. This site is absolutely loaded with gouge, but short on sympathy, so looking for the easy way through this (not saying you are) will get you ripped apart. The information is there, you just need to find it; you're a big kid now, so no more hand-holding. For the Math and Mechanical Comprehension, expect some basic physics/optimization/mechanical advantage problems. As the test adapts to your aptitude they will get harder. Go buy a GRE prep book for 5 bucks and you should be good.
Time management during studying and for the test is a large concern of mine, as I'm sure it is for you as well.
Are you also working 70+ hrs/week at 2 jobs and trying to find time to study? I am 4 years removed from school in a heavily calculus/physics weighted degree, and I am studying for my technical interviews for NUPOC. That means that I have to be prepared to answer anything on my transcrpits, including 5 years of calculus/physics/dynamics, etc.. While I cannot be certain I'll be fully prepared, I can be damn sure that by the time I go, I know that I have done everything in my power to prepare given the circumstances. That is why I wake up at 4AM every morning (except Sunday). You can and should do the same.

Hind sight 20/20, if I were in your shoes, I wish I had somebody to hold me more accountable.