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College Credits


New Member
First of all, I'm new to these forums. I did try a search for this subject but came up with nothing, so forgive me if it's been discussed before.

Due to a college transfer I lost quite a few credits and am currently a bit shy of being considered a Junior. I'm applying for PLC but am not sure if I'd be better off doing one or two sessions since I may graduate either the spring of '10 or the following fall. Anyway, my question is can I earn college credits for completing OCS, and if so, about how many would be realistic?



Charlie dont surf!
I know for a fact that you can earn college credit for attending OCS. Im not sure how many since I never bothered to request the transcripts.


Pro-Rec SNA
Yes, you will earn credits BUT they most likely will not go towards anything except "general credits". I had 40something from my time in the Air Force and they counted as "credits" not as a math credit or a science credit or a cultural etc.........


New Member
I actually have all of my general eds done, and even with all my major/minor requirements I'll still be about a dozen credits short for graduation, so as long as they'll fill up electives that's fine by me. Thanks for all the replies.


I was under the impression that it was 6 hours and possibly more depending on your school and some of the departments there....Im trying to get them for this past summer and there is deffinatly some leg work involved


Well-Known Member
I got 12 gened credits for 10 weeks

I wish I had of known beforehand (one of my advisors gave me bad info and said it wouldn't count) so I wouldn't have had to take some super retarded classes


New Member
I got 6 credits for the PLC-C. I go to a state school in Florida, and I think the number of credits offered really depends on the school where you go. I have known schools that don't except credit, but some non-state schools do so you just need to ask the Registrar. Most schools except online transcripts from OCS (SMART). Go to https://smart.navy.mil/request.pdf to request your transcript once you get back from Quantico. Hope this helps.


Belligerent Arm Swing!
You can most definitely earn college credits for completing OCS. The only way that you'll be able to get the credits however, is if you do the work yourself. I was fortunate enough to get an email from my OSO regarding the opportunity for possible college credits. The rest of it was all work done on my part. I had to meet personally with the academic dean of my college, fill out a SMART request form, and then fax it to the Navy College Foundation. I am still awaiting the exact number of credits that I am going to be given, but I would imagine that it is going to be 6. Either way, thats 6 credits closer to being commissioned and takes a load of work off my shoulders for my last semester. Remember, "earned, never given" in all aspects of life.
Semper Fidelis