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Well, not anymore... :(
Edited becuase I basically just made an a$$ out of myself with this one.
Sorry guys. Still don't think it should've been moved to a private forum, but that's just my opinion.


Super Moderator
nfo2b said:
Are you kidding me? Did someone really delete the "Never, Never, Never" post? Please tell me that it was just moved and that there's just some lag time in the server before it's accessible again. The icon says "Moved," but I can't access the thread, nor is it findable via a search. Please tell me that AirWarriors isn't adopting censorship as a means of controlling what is presented here. Lock the thread if you absolutely must (and I don't even agree with that), but deletion?
This has got to be either a joke or technical glitch. I hope...

You can find it in the Private Naval Aviators forum or just click http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11702


Well, not anymore... :(
Okay, sorry to spazz, I'm still coming down from the pain of my dental appointment today. Trips to dental always make me really cranky. But why was it moved to a private forum? I have a stake in that thread, and I can't access it. Besides, there are some lessons in there alongside all of the scuttlebutt, that could make for some learning lessons for some of the junior/less experienced members here. I was in the middle of posting a lengthy clarification/apology to smoke_screen, and it had been moved by the time I hit "Submit." How do I become a member of this "super secret private society" so that I may be privy to such matters requiring such secrecy? (Sarcasm intended, but seriously, why was it made private, and how can I join?)


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Before continuing high and right, I moved it. You raised valid points. But I am a firm believer in Navy not airing dirty laundry. In this case, the individual ****ed up on a grand scale, and he has more than enough attention directed his way. I know, not think, KNOW, that further debate on it should NOT be on a public forum. Not sniping back at you, this is not censorship, political correctness or some mod doing this. In the Navy I am in, the Wardroom watches its own, and doesn't continually shine the light on them. In this case, we are MANY steps removed, but our comments, and discussion were open for anyone to read. These comments/discussion are traditionally more properly held at the O'club or Ready Room, the only thing we have close to that are the private forums.





Well, not anymore... :(
webmaster said:
Absolutely. And again, I'm sorry about my initial post--I've since edited it.
As for your points about appropriate place for discussion, I've given that some thought, and I must concede that you were right to do what you did. My initial attitude of contempt for this "thread hiding" as I saw it was based my years of enlisted experience, where scuttlebutt is the norm, and we always air our dirty laundry, because most of the time the politics are completely different. So I'm going to tuck this one away in my wheelbook titled "Important Differences Between My Enlisted Career and My Officer Career."
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