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B-O-O-O-O-O-O-ring !!!


Super *********
Super Moderator
Back in Mar-April 06, I took my on wave-off at the boat. From both the left and reat seat of the COD, I've come aboard the boat about 550 times and this was the first and only time I had had seen one's own wave-off and it was mine.

I had DV's on board, got the call for the straight-in and went to dump fuel. As it were, the aircraft would not dump fuel. That was 5 miles out....I made exactly 5 calls, 3 calls to tower and 2 to paddles that I was too heavy to come aboard (3000+ lbs too heavy). I had no response from any of them. The Boss was my former Skipper at VRC-30 as well but his performance as CO and Boss left a lot to be desired anyway. So IC-AR I took my own wave-off which needless to say, got everyone's attention.

Yep, had to go see CAG Paddles (though a friend of mine), DCAG and then CAG. CAG Paddles understood but being a friend, it helped. DCAG just chewed my ass but this was his standard for anything. I think even if he was giving you an 'atta boy' you would first get your ass chewed. Then CAG was upset because I took the wave-off too late in his opinion. I had important people onboard (mayor and congressman as I recall) and I could have grabbed a wire for an inflight engagement......though IMO, I was plenty high enough. CAG was an E-2 driver with 5000 hours, TPS graduate and of course CAG, so I have no doubt to the validity of his opinion :).


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
I've never heard the LSO call "Land it" before.


.... the LSO says "Keep it coming. You sound good." I elected to wave off ... Later the LSO said that the wave off was probably the prudent thing to do since he never saw me on that pass....
Point: Lest any BOAT pilots start sliding down the slippery slope of thinking that taking one's own W/O at the ship is "O.K." ... (and I don't mean "O.K." as in a pass grade) ... this is a different situation. Taking your own W/O is not "O.K." under most circumstances.

Counterpoint: He didn't have the ship -- the LSO didn't have a visual on him and was pushing the envelope by saying:
"Keep it coming. You SOUND good". If he had crashed, the LSO would have been a factor in the accident. In this circumstance -- blackbart probably did the right thing.

Obviously -- and little is "obvious" in this life -- the rest of us weren't there ... but the operational aspects of Naval Aviation are situational, fluid, constantly changing -- and no one answer fits all situations. :)


I've never hear the LSO call "Land it" before.
It's a bad call -- we eschewed it. I've been waiting for YEARS to use the word "eschew" ... :)

The preferred
BUFFALO CALL(s) usually consisted of nomenclature like:


or ...


Those seemed to be preferential verbiage to have on the tape in the event of an "incident" during the pass ... :)


Oh, by the way .... ref: post #29 on this thread ...

The "lime squeezing exercise" is going very, very well on this end of this hallow'ed Stinko-de-Mayo day of festivities ...

, Bruddah's ... :)



Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
A4's I can't remember when you last posted about the squeezing of the limes. Trying to cut back a bit? :)


A4's I can't remember when you last posted about the squeezing of the limes. Trying to cut back a bit? :)
Naaaaaaaaaaaahhh ..... squeezing limes is my life. I'm just tryin' not to be repetitious and bore the rest of you w/ my extra-curricular pastimes ...

PLUS ... limes went from $.79/lb two weeks ago to @ $1.39/lb today ... just in time for Stinko-de-Mayo, perhaps .... perchance to dream ... ??? :)

It's been a very emotional day.


Round 2...
Naaaaaaaaaaaahhh ..... squeezing limes is my life. I'm just tryin' not to be repetitious and bore the rest of you w/ my extra-curricular pastimes ...

PLUS ... limes went from $.79/lb two weeks ago to @ $1.39/lb today ... just in time for Stinko-de-Mayo, perhaps .... perchance to dream ... ??? :)

It's been a very emotional day.

Then you would hate living in a place that couldn't be any further from limes, lemons, water, beaches....

All of our fun has to be imported, round the beginning of August, western side of the state..

.. or generated with copious amounts of alcohol :D
Happy Cinco De Mayo!


Then you would hate living in a place that couldn't be any further from limes, lemons, water, beaches....
Not a problem: as I speak a modicum of South Dakota-ese ...

For example: my first "official and legal" 747 landings were at Joe Foss Field ... I used to regularly "shoot down" SDANG A-7's when they ventured down to the Texas Brownwood MOA and/or Tyndall AFB .... and my internet bill paying service is homeported in Sioux Falls .... etc., etc. .... :)



Round 2...
Not a problem: as I speak a modicum of South Dakota-ese ...

For example: my first "official and legal" 747 landings were at Joe Foss Field ... I used to regularly "shoot down" SDANG A-7's when they ventured down to the Texas Brownwood MOA and/or Tyndall AFB .... and my internet bill paying service is homeported in Sioux Falls .... etc., etc. .... :)

Joe Foss Field has recently had work done since you've been there I'm sure

the runways are now paved ;)

serious note.. I die a lil inside when I'm shooting my 70 kias approach in my cesna while the ANG F-16's are out playing around :(

Tho it is always fun when tower asks you to expedite approach to accommodate the impatient Citation behind you..


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Naaaaaaaaaaaahhh ..... squeezing limes is my life. I'm just tryin' not to be repetitious and bore the rest of you w/ my extra-curricular pastimes ...

PLUS ... limes went from $.79/lb two weeks ago to @ $1.39/lb today ... just in time for Stinko-de-Mayo, perhaps .... perchance to dream ... ??? :)

It's been a very emotional day.

Speaking of citrus juice...

In an effort to produce the best possible grapefruit juice for my Italian Greyound (grapefruit juice, Grey Goose, Campari & Angostura bitters) this evening, I decided to juice my own grapefruits. What a PITA! Pulp, seeds, backsplash, overspray every which-a-way, significant spillage and ultimately lots of straining before all was said and done. I will say that the drink was fucking exquisite. :D
