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ASTB Help / Guides / Gouge

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Registered User
I'm looking for anything and everything to help me study for the ASTB test that I will be taking soon. I've already downloaded the ASTB study guide from this site, and another small little section from another site regarding spatial apperception. What else is out there to download? I've read that the ASTB test involves some english comprehension, yet I cannot find any help or guides related to this part of the test. Anyone know where I can find something useful?

Also, I've been looking into purchasing a book to help too. Is there any specific book that would generally help me? I have very little knowledge regarding flight and naval terms and information. I'm also a little shaky in the history department as well. Would there be a good book to give me a basic knowledge of these specific areas along with the other portions of the test as well?

Thanks in advance.


Registered User
Well... the gouge should help you with your aviation and nautical terms pretty well. For the Math/Verbal Test, it's pretty much just like the SAT. You can go out and buy 'Military Flight Aptitude Tests' from ARCO, or the similar title 'Officer Candidate Tests' (same more or less sans the SA, and maybe one other section).

Or, you could just get an SAT study guide, if the english is what you're worried about. Don't sweat the spatial apperception too much, at least in the realm of studying the ARCO stuff. The test is different; similar, but different. I would more recommend whipping out a flight simulator of some sort, finding a coastline, and just orienting yourself in random ways, looking out from the cockpit, then looking at the plane from the spot view. Much more effective IMO.

As I said, the gouge should help you out pretty well with the aviation/nautical terms and the history. Thing is, the A/N section is a test to see how interested you are in the aviation/nautical environment, since anyone who has studied the communities on their own time (due to hobby or interest) should know a fair amount of it already by heart. The history stuff is one thing, but understanding what a dihedral is, or angle of attack, sure you can know the definition of them for a test, but it's important to know the significance of said terms as well.

Anyway... if you have any additional questions, let me know!

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