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Application Processors and Sening Package during Last semester

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Class 0606!!! New Ensigns!!! (as of Jan27th)
Twidget has been such a help to me!! Thank you sir!!!. But he’s not online right now so I’ll just post it and hopefully get some feedback.

1. Does anyone know the Application Processors number? I talked to a LT at CNRC that said that I need to have my degree completed before I turn my package in. All I’ve ever heard on this site is that if you’re in your last semester of college that you can get a letter from your school and mail that with your package. I would like to have his/her number and ask him/her some questions directly, vise listening to that LT.
2. Has anyone that’s made it so far, done this? I mean got a letter from school and mailed it with package? I graduate end of June and I’m only taking one class that last semester and I would like to mail my package in the beginning of June and once I completed that last course send the final transcript with it.

I appreciate all the help. I’m just an enlisted IT1 trying to get the next level.

IT1(SW) Jensen


Registered User

What did you find out about your letter question.....?

I Just submitted my OCS package with a letter from my school.
I had one class left that was an independent study that lasted the whole semester. So I accelerated the course and finished in half a semester and received my grade and final G.P.A. The school wrote a letter saying that all requirements were met for a degree along with my final G.P.A. My degree will post on May 14 but my CCC said I could submit the letter along with a transcript with the one class missing. What have you heard? Is you situation similar? How close are you to being done with the package? What program?



Class 0606!!! New Ensigns!!! (as of Jan27th)
Thats true. I have a letter from my school and now I'm just putting my package together. The app processor for OCS told me what the letter should say and as long as it say meets all requirments then your good to go.

From what I read on here it sound like you have a good package. What are you applying for?

So did you study a lot for the ASTB? Have you taken a lot of math and physics?

Good luck to you I hope you make it.



Registered User
I did not study but I did look a gouge I downloaded from this web site. My degree is in Electronic Systems Technologies, A BS from Southern Ill. Univ. Alot of technical classes and math but not alot of physics. My package got delivered today I'll keep you updated. Let m know if you have any questions.
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