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Alright, who knows how to rig an iPod to ICS (interphone)?


Well-Known Member
I'll translate to helo.

Get an old ICS plug. Have your AT adapt it to a headphone jack.

Put station on hot mic.



Used to Care
you guys are making this way to hard! look in a sporty's magazine or sporty's .com they sell a divice that will let you listen to your tunes plus talk on the phone if you want. i'm pretty sure it comes w/ a military plug converter too. heres the link.
sucks that its a C note though...

Yup. Any AT worth his/her salt can take an old set of headphones (or $10 for a new set) and cut the cord off and splice it with a spare ICS cord to make a "patch cord". It was a prerequisite for any flight when I was the AC in the E-6. They just patched it into one of the radios that everyone could monitor but we didn't need (HF-3 for instance) and we could select/deselect as we wished.
It was required to fend off the autopilot-induced 10 hour coma.


Will fly for food.
Anyone know if any of these may work for the mighty T-34C? Just curious of course...

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Our AT's could rig up an iPod plug with switch. Used the ICS plug from old "wired for sound" cranials that were getting chucked anyway, and about $10 worth of parts from Radio Shack. The switch allowed you to select between ICS and the iPod without unplugging. They were getting really good making 'em when I left the squadron, even heat-shrinking a wrapping to give it that professional look. Vital piece of equipment for those long OEF/OIF flights or cross-countires back home.


"I live vicariously through myself."
Our AT's in the COD community made it so I could hook up my diskman to my headset (since we wear our headsets and only wear our helmets for cats and traps).

Semper Jump Jet

Ninja smoke...POOF.

I like to listen to music too, on a trans-pac etc... but if you're a stud trucking around in your T-34 you may have enough sensory overload without worrying about which playlist you're going to cue up for your next landing....

Col Angus

Well-Known Member
Anyone know if any of these may work for the mighty T-34C? Just curious of course...

your flights aren't long enough, and should not be so boring as to necessitate an ipod in your cockpit. you should worry about your +/-35hrs flight time and not crashing or getting a flight violation instead of inventing ways to make you more of an anti-pilot.

Single Seat

Average member
I can't imagine a worse idea than a Stud plugging an iPod into the ICS. I wouldn't want to be within 5 miles of the ass chewing that would ensue after that encounter.

Bad bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Quick iPod threadjack: I have a 4th gen iPod (White, click wheel) and I demolished the screen a few weeks ago. I found this place on line, ordered a new LCD, battery, and white housing for $65. Just finished putting it in, good as new. Not too hard (but I did have to put on my glasses:icon_cool)

Recommend the do-it-yoself route for batteries and other junk.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Anyone know if any of these may work for the mighty T-34C? Just curious of course...

Is this a re-joined thread? Seriously, where is the question coming from? This is just not worth your time. Chances are you're not that good and the ICS system in the T-34 is so rudimentary it's more trouble than it's worth to balance radio/ICS/music.

Wait until the fleet, and you'll have such setups there.