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Registered User
Ok, I am about to select out of primary. I have "boat" grades and would like to select jets. but during PA's in primary I got sick on my first 2 flights and was lightheaded and quizzy on the rest of them. The same for cruise forms! I was wondering if this happened to anybody else and if they adapted to it in the T-45 or if I should steer clear of jets??
If you did get sick, how did you deal with it?? just got adapted to it or did you take medications?????????



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
The vast majority of people get over it on their own. The more comfortable you get in the air, the less your nerves will exacerbate it. I know several fleet pilots who got sick through the TRACOMs and there are tons of NFOs who still get sick regularly. Don't sweat it and it will go away.



Balance51 said:
... I got sick on my first 2 flights and was lightheaded and quizzy on the rest of them ... The same for cruise forms! If you did get sick, how did you deal with it??
Perhaps join VF-143, Fitron 143, a.k.a. The Pukin' DOGS ?? :)

Hmmm ... cruise? That is strange -- you were flying? That is strange ... but perhaps you are thinking this thing to excess ??

The rest of it -- don't worry about it. I ALMOST got sick on my first jet hop -- 2/C MIDN, scared, hot, sweaty, back seat, F-9, south Texas, summer, wearing lots of strange gear --- and --- we were on an ACM hop and they were trying to make us sick.

The only time I REALLY got sick was in the A-6 RAG @ Whidbey when they stuck me in the right seat on an ACM hop when there were no FRB/N's available !!! The instructor --left seat -- was rough as a cob and a jerk to boot. I hung on until we were taxiing back into the ramp and I could not stand it any longer --- the jerk even taxi'ed ROUGH !! For confidence -- I never carried a "barf" bag and now I needed one --- sooooooo:

I took off one of my flight gloves and "spit" up into it --- not much as one might expect as I never ate breakfast prior to the "Dawn Patrol". I always seemed to do better on an empty stomach when flying, no matter what the Flight Surgeon said. (made me hungry? aggresive? a meat-eater?)

The only problem came later as I threw my glove in the bottom of my locker and forgot about it -- for 2-3 months. When I cleared out my locker, there it was, frozen in time like a claw, like a garden scratcher. I buried it quietly ....

In this layman's opinion, if you do not have some physiological "balance" problem -- Balance51 -- you will not get sick if you do not dwell on it .... so are you ??



Registered User

I think it really is in my head...cause what would happen is, I would jsut get all tightened up....like i grind my teeth and clench my muscles....but i slowly got use to it....and although i still kept gettin quizzy...when i got to the later PA flights it would take more for me to get to that phase. But when I stopped doing those things and I came back to do cruise forms and I had not done the aerobatics for a month or so, I started to get sick a lot quicker. My father came through the program in the 70's and he trained on both the t-34 and t-28 and everyone did carrier quals in the t-28 and he actually got sick on his first 12 flights(even the safe for solo flight), but after that he was fine and never threw up again....i didnt have it that bad....but i do kinda have his stomach and I think I just need to get use to it. I find out tomorrow if I select this week or the following week! So its up tot he Navy if they want to give me jets or not!!!



Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
LOL A4s... reminds me of tac forms in the T-6...

Knew I was about to lose my cookies, rip off the mask pulled out the bag while the pilot was in a shackle... right as I lost it, he reversed his turn... needless to say, the bag didn't quite line up with the puke, caught most of it in my hands...

IP goes "Didya make the bag?! Didya make the bag?!"

Calls KIO... the OTHER IP goes "He didn't make the bag?!?"

Had to turn the gloves inside out and stow them to read my approach plate...

Trust me Balance, I know it sucks. But if my dumb a$$ can get over it, you can too. And it's a LOT easier when you're in control of the airplane.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
I know several fleet pilots who got sick through the TRACOMs and there are tons of NFOs who still get sick regularly. Don't sweat it and it will go away.


Damn NFOs puking all over the electronics....Do you know it would take 10 200# lard ass NFOs to make one ton of NFOs. That's a lot of NFOs.

I got sick on only one hop...in holding in a T-34C over the Flora-Bama waiting for Blues practice to end...blue sky...CAVU...feeling great one second...the next...hooka in a bag. Then okay again.

I guess I'm lucky...Never happened again...I really think you just get used to it.

Hang in there...and always bring a couple of extra bags...puke bags and piss bags (cheese sandwiches) are always very expensive in flight.... Good luck.



Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
there are several guys down here who got sick in primary and are doing alright. lots of guys get sick on their first couple tacforms or acm's, but they get over it. my advice is to select what you think you'll enjoy flying the most... then work on the sickness part.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Try graham crackers and gingerale about an hour before the hop it helps. Also try to get on some FCF hops (they are nice freebies) and tell the IP so maybe that can be your own unoffcial spin and puke it should pass. I got sick on my first PA hop when everything was demo so I wasnt flying much. It passed after and I already knew I wanted to fly Snakes so it wasnt an issue until I got ot the air to air syllabus in the cobra and I was heads down in the bucket tracking for a TOW shot on another Cobra to my right and the guy at the controls was banking hard left. I puked into the relief tube. I think everyone has a story like this at some point in their career.
Good luck


Seriously, though, Balance ... I have thought about your problem and this is what I came up with as an Aviator "mind-meld". It worked for one man (me) in any/all situations when I was not physically in control of the aircraft. It was not a "conscious" evolution on my part -- it just kind of happened, luckily for moi ...

"Fly" the maneuver, engagement, scenario, whatever, wherever you are in the sky ... and this may not make complete, total sense in print --- but if you are mentally "going through the maneuver" -- even subliminially -- you will take your physical "feelings" out of the equation. I am not kidding.

If you have a stick in your half of the aircraft -- put your hand on it and (lightly) follow-through. Tell the instructor or pilot in advance what you are doing so they will not be suprised with the slight "bump" or "pressure" that this might engender. If you don't have a stick -- "think" your way through the maneuver, either talking to the pilot-o or "talking" to yourself. I think this is why pilots puke less than the rest of the crowd. We have to "think" the flying evolution/maneuver -- even when it becomes "automatic"; whereas the rest of the group are dwelling on the forces impacting their bodies -- instead of focusing on the flying.

This WILL WORK -- I guarantee it. It will all depend on you ...


Or Join The Pukin' Dogs ... :)


Schnuggapup said:
... Damn NFOs puking all over the electronics....
We know. We know. Thank you for saying it ... you have done everyone here a service :) :) . But seriously, I really, really like your new avatar.



It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Puff Daddy....

A4sForever said:
But seriously, I really, really like your new avatar.

So do I.....



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Registered User
Hey guys, I just want to thank you guys for all your help. I selected today and I will be going to Kingsville for Jet training. I just hope I adapt to it!!! Any good gouge on where to live or where not to live?? again thank you for your help!



Balance51 said:
Hey guys, I just want to thank you guys for all your help. I selected today and I will be going to Kingsville for Jet training. I just hope I adapt to it!!! Any good gouge on where to live or where not to live?? again thank you for your help! B

Congrats -- now it's time to get to work. Good luck and keep your head out of your you-know-where.

Places to live? I was there 30 years ago for real and one year ago for a "down memory lane" trip. We lived in an apartment out by the college that buttressed up against the King Ranch -- very nice 30 years ago, completely C-R-A-P-ola en esta dia. The Santa Gertrudis cattle used to hang over the fence while I fed them apples -- great learning experience. And what did I learn from my trip down memory lane last year ?? Live and sleep in your car -- it will be the nicest place in town.




Sky Pig Wrangler
Hawk's Landing and Hunter's Cove are the two PPV sites where about 70% of everyone lives
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