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Air Contract after ground?


I am applying for OCC and I am 28 y/o. My OSO said that they could put in an age waiver for me for ground but not for air. OSO said that they asked the major and they said that they are not giving out age waivers for air right now. I don't remember my ASTB score but it was either 5/6 or 6/6, and I have a 290 PFT. I have taken the flight physical (although it is expired now) and I got a waiver for PRK as well. I know that I can try and fight for an air slot at TBS but from what I understand air slots are not as common as they used to be. Is there a way to pick up an air slot either at OCS or after I am commissioned but before I report to TBS. I do want to be a Marine first so I will be happy with a ground contract but I would like to fly. Are there any other ways to secure an air contract? Can I apply for an air slot after I finish my primary MOS if I end up going ground at TBS?



New Member
I believe there were 6 flight contracts to be had in my TBS Co. Bravo 07. There is also a captain here in Pcola waiting to class up for API who was a combat engineer before switching to air. Go for it!


Well-Known Member
If you get a ground conctract, prepare to be a ground officer in the USMC. There's no guarantee that there will be any air contracts to be had in TBS. In my company, there was only one.


New Member
I would seriously doubt your ability to pick up an air slot at tbs. It is extremely hard. Air slots are hard to come by. In any given OCS class, there should be 2 NA slots and a NFO slot. You can laterally transfer but it is really hard, especially with your age. I told somebody this earlier today, but it cost around 1 million to train each pilot, so the corps is not just handin out spots to non-lt officers. The best thing for you to do would just be to go do the knuckle dragger thing for a while. Idk what else to tell you.
good luck

Ric Hard

Registered User
Had a prior in my TBS class who swung with the wing in his enlisted life. He also was denied prior to OCS due to his age, but got an air slot at TBS. He was 31 at the time. Not the recommended way, but not impossible either.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Despite the overwhelming chances that you will end up a ground officer on a ground contract, do not lose hope. I went to TBS as a ground contract, had already had PRK and a good ASTB score, and just needed the post-probationary flight physical to be eligible. Got that at TBS and put 7599 and 7598 as my #1 and #2 respectively. Our company had 2 7599 slots and 4 7598 slots.

As luck would have it, I got one of the 7599 slots and the rest is history. So while the odds are certainly not stacked in your favor, it can be done.

/"f__k the naysayers"


Well-Known Member
^An entire post by Squeeze without any whining about the HMM. Welcome back, my friend.

(However, why do you have "Harrier Dude" as your custom user title? Does Harrier Dude have "Squeeze" as his title?)


OCC-169 Grad
The OSO can put you in for a waiver for AIR. Now getting it approved is a different story. If you run a 285 of above PFT and have no other waivers, you have a good chance. However, remember its just a chance. Also, it's harder to go from Ground to Air than Air to Ground. Also, you have to compete for those air slots at TBS. People never talk about that. It's not like you walk in and say I want to change contracts. Also, they might not have any slots. Make the OSO do the waiver, or find another OSO. There are like 70 of them in America. OCC applicants can ship out of any office.


Just thought I would update this thread and thank everyone for their input. I was selected with an air slot for 197 so it is possible if you try hard enough. Good luck to everyone!


Nice...congrats dude...

Mav - can you please change your avatar...that is just plain scary...:eek: