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Lets say i do NROTC marine option, and i wanted an air contract. Would i still go to OCS in my junior year or would i finish NROTC and go straight to TBS or what would be the deal for that.


New Member
For Marine option, you will still go to OCS between your junior and senior years. Then after college graduation you go to TBS. Then after TBS you go to Pensacola.

Everybody goes to OCS except USNA students.


Well-Known Member
If you choose to go Navy option, though, you receive your orders a few weeks/a month before graduation/commissioning. Generally, you'll be going straight to Pensecola to start flight training--I say generally only because I'm not including the waiting period before getting to flight school due to the backup in the system which would stash you in a temporary command until flight school.


Registered User
how i join merchant nevy after 3 year diploma in auto mobile engeering in 2004 in ind

red_stang65 said:
If you choose to go Navy option, though, you receive your orders a few weeks/a month before graduation/commissioning. Generally, you'll be going straight to Pensecola to start flight training--I say generally only because I'm not including the waiting period before getting to flight school due to the backup in the system which would stash you in a temporary command until flight school.

hi sir how i join merchant nevy after completing 3 year diploma in automobile engeering in 2004 in india


Well-Known Member
Sorry, moudgil, you've got me there. I think there is a merchant marine academy in northern california--san francisco area, possibly? Anybody know of another way to join the merchant fleet besides the academy?

Fezz CB

red_stang65 said:
Sorry, moudgil, you've got me there. I think there is a merchant marine academy in northern california--san francisco area, possibly? Anybody know of another way to join the merchant fleet besides the academy?

I dunno.....enlist? Look for a recruiting station I guess. But wait...why merchant marines in the first place? Seriously, can you tell me the fun in transporting cargo/domestic and international commerce? Oh really?! Well dammit SIGN ME UP!


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Fezz CB said:
I dunno.....enlist? Look for a recruiting station I guess. But wait...why merchant marines in the first place? Seriously, can you tell me the fun in transporting cargo/domestic and international commerce? Oh really?! Well dammit SIGN ME UP!
Well, seeing as how my step father has captained everything from liberty ships, supertankers, and cruise ships... and I have "grown up" around various vessels in and out of port (still have more time at sea as a pax, than my 2.5 years on submarines) guess I can take a stab at this one (and yes, read the whole post, and realize you were being sarcastic to our friend from India... btw, apply to a merchant company, and work your way up on the bridge and engineering crews).

Simply put: travel, free time, and $$$ (cash and tax free outside US, gotta love it). I honestly kicked around the idea of accepting a Merchant Marine Academy slot out of high school. My step father has quite literally seen the world, speaks 3 languages fluently, and gets by in a dozen others.

For those that think the high seas and "cargo transport" are peaceful times, you are quite mistaken: from corrupt dock workers, to typhoons and hurricanes, rounding the cape, rogue waves, rescuing cast aways at seas, crazy russian skippers that try to ram your ship, class delta fires at sea (didn't need that generator did we?), cross passage with another ship in the panama canal, entering third world (and some first world!) ports that you question the last time they successfully dredged, and of course the scam artist cruise ship passengers, lol. There is a little for everyone out there, though much of the industry outside the dwindling merchant marine is contracted out to nationalistic companies (all Italians, Dutch, Greeks, English, etc).

That is without getting into all the regulatory crap that our flagged vessels have to put up with, and now some of the extra "good" and "bad" that any vessel entering the US has to deal with (Solaris, sp?).

Also, never met a Port Captain that DIDN'T like his job, can you say $300k +++ for just bringing ships into and out of port? If that isn't the good old boy network, then I don't know what is! Plus, half of them expect kick backs and "gifts" (in US and foreign ports, watched one Bahamian Port Captain stumble off a ship loaded with cigarrettes!).

Good times, and great profession, if you ask me. Work 9-14 months straight, take off a 3-6 months, and back at it. When things are slow, lots of time to read, take advantage of any hobbies, and nowadays, they all have satellite tv and internet!!

See ya on the high seas shippy!
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