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Hello, I've been a lurker on this site for quite a while and up until recently I've never had a need to ask any questions. However, now that I'm three weeks away from graduation I have decided to ask that first question.

So let me reveal a bit about myself before I ask my question. For starters, as previously said, I'm due to graduate in three weeks with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Technology and a minor in Computer Information Systems. I hold a PPL and am currently working towards my instrument rating. Finally, about three years I decided to start gathering information about becoming a naval aviator, one year ago I focused that search on the requirements for becoming a NFO(eye sight requirements), and about 2 months ago contacted a Navy OSO about pursuing the NFO track. Unfortunately the OSO told me to call back when I have a degree and that I'd most likely be waiting for the 2013 board.

So now my question... Well, its pretty simple. Any recommendations on how I make myself seem like a better candidate. Suggestions like types of types of volunteer work or just words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!


New Member
First off, I don't know why any recruiter would have told you to wait until you have your degree as you can actually submit an OCS package with a letter of intent to graduate from your school. I had some friends from OCS that went NFO and that is about the extent of my NFO knowledge as we don't have them in helicopters. As for your actual question, I'll take it easy on you because if anyone else were to see your post you would be berated to no end for not searching previous threads. Community service is a good way to stand out, but don't limit yourself to that. Try to think like the board would, they want to see leadership experience, devotion to country and community, and basically be able to tell that you are a well rounded person. Things like coaching a little league team are money since it kind of rolls them all into one.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I've been a lurker on this site for quite a while and up until recently I've never had a need to ask any questions. However, now that I'm three weeks away from graduation I have decided to ask that first question.

So let me reveal a bit about myself before I ask my question. For starters, as previously said, I'm due to graduate in three weeks with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Technology and a minor in Computer Information Systems. I hold a PPL and am currently working towards my instrument rating. Finally, about three years I decided to start gathering information about becoming a naval aviator, one year ago I focused that search on the requirements for becoming a NFO(eye sight requirements), and about 2 months ago contacted a Navy OSO about pursuing the NFO track. Unfortunately the OSO told me to call back when I have a degree and that I'd most likely be waiting for the 2013 board.

So now my question... Well, its pretty simple. Any recommendations on how I make myself seem like a better candidate. Suggestions like types of types of volunteer work or just words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

I missed this one.

He should have started the application with you, unless you told him something that put up a red flag, such as low gpa or such, otherwise we have a name for recruiters like the one you talked to, we call them the ones that miss goal.

You may have to apply a few times, but if you have a good GPA and good ASTB keep trying.


Thanks, I graduated last week with a bachelor of science and a 3.35gpa. The whole delay thing was a strange issue (As for red flags, I've got a clean record and the only ticket I've ever gotten was running into a light pole at 10 mph)... Essentially I was in contact with recruiter #1 and then was suddenly handed off to the other recruiter#2. Fortunately, recruiter#1 had given me a list of what I had to provide; LoR's and what not. So I've had plenty of time to prepare at least a few of the initial items. After my graduation I recontacted the Local OSO office and now I'm on recruiter #3 and it seems that I'm being put back on the correct course; currently scheduling a date ASTB and scouring the net for gouge and suggested books/study guides. Thanks for the advice! I'm stubborn as hell and plan to keep trying as long as possible.