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Advice on a potential package-killer?


Greetings everyone,
I have been browsing AW since September and have been taking note of everything that can be useful to me, but I have a problem looks like it hasn't been addressed in much detail before. I am asking for advice on what to do about a recent development--a significantly lower than normal eval.

Some background: this is only my fourth evaluation and it is the first under an entirely new chain of command (from LPO to XO). Although it is an MP, it is only an MP because there were no quota limitations on that (which occurs next paygrade). This most recent eval is almost a full point lower than my traditional evals and seems to be much worse than what anyone had been expecting, especially myself.

The eval itself: it is significantly toned down from what was originally submitted. There are no 5.0 marks on it, though there were many when it was submitted. I can tell you that my performance has only improved since my last eval, which was a solid EP, but none of this is reflected on this current evaluation.

I have not yet signed this evaluation. During my debrief my LPO noticed a typo that needed to be corrected, so I am awaiting it to be remade to correct that. I didn't know how to react during my debrief because this extremely low eval caught me totally by surprise, so I let my LPO, LCPO, and DIVO's sugar-coating appease me for the time being. I had heard that our entire department had gotten the shaft, but I didn't think that I was the poster boy for it.

Now I don't know what to do about it. Can anyone please give me advice on how to respond to this situation?

I'm currently having trouble dis-associating anything from this eval which has put doubt in my mind as to whether I should even be seeking a commission or not. I know that if I fight this eval, I am going to lose; but at the same time it is so unjustifiably low that I am compelled to do something about it. It's a package killer too, I'm sure, because it will look like I am a superstar-turned-know-nothing-shitbag.

My new COC couldn't give me any justification for why it was so low, so I really have nothing to work with.


Science Project
So my understanding is that you are the same rank as you were at the time of your last eval, but a different reporting senior. Is this correct? Also, is everyone in the command getting a lower eval or just your department? Did he give any EP's? I am definitely not the expert on this, but is it possible that this reporting senior just has a significantly lower average than your previous reporting senior?


There are many ways to approach the situation, but you really have two choices. Do you want to take one for the team and eat it, or do you want to speak your mind? Depending on your COC the second one may not go over so well. However, if you do decide to go forward, I would take this approach. Re write all your bullets without the fluff. We know when you submit an eval you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, but for the purpose of getting to the point with the COC write down what you really did. You are an ET. Write down what you did as an ET. Then think about that compared to what an ET is supposed to accomplish, if you can actually semi confine the basic responsibilities of your job on the ship. Now that you've outlined your job, what else did you have on the plate? PRT coordinator, collateral duties etc..? Next do awards, retention, and anything else. Get all of your ducks in a row and professionally present your argument for a better eval to the LPO, and then work your way up if you don't think things are being handled properly. Just remember once you open the can of worms it's open, and everyone knows it. I can't remember which block it is, but one block says Recommendations or something like that. In that block they can put Officer Programs. So if you decide to eat it, maybe you can ask that the remark be added to the eval. You won't get the marks wanted, but at least the Officer Programs remark will be on there. Also remember that one eval doesn't make the whole package. Anyone who's sat, seen, or been evaluated by a military board knows how stuff goes sometimes.


Active Member
Greetings everyone,
I can tell you that my performance has only improved since my last eval, which was a solid EP, but none of this is reflected on this current evaluation.

Are you in a new pay grade or competitive group from your last eval?


Naval Aviation=world's greatest team sport
First issue: If you haven't reviewed your Enlisted Summary Record and your Performance Summary Review (both available off of BOL) you don't even know if you have a problem yet. How have you been doing in your evaluations compared to the reporting senior's cumulative average? That's one of the most important indicators. Absent that information it's impossible to even tell if you have a problem. When you were debriefed on your eval, what was the average of your summary group? Are you below that average? The average on any one eval, absent the comparison information--is a pretty useless discussion item. Boards tend to understand FNG evals--new to command, new to rank, new to reporting senior. Provide more info regarding to comparison to reporting senior's average and trends and maybe the AW board can help you.


Thank you for your swift replies!

I am the same rank as I was for my last eval and under a different reporting senior. This group's summary average is lower than last eval period, but I am now considered below average instead of well above average.

jus2mch, thank you for the advice. It is true that not all of what I had accomplished was originally submitted, but the really big items such as multiple depot-level repairs and being acknowledge as the subject matter expert on multiple subjects were addressed and used as examples. I am fairly certain that if I do bring it up, it will only burn bridges. Fortunately, a Commissioning Program is already on the recommendations block.

It seems as though I have simply not impressed this new COC enough with my current status as "the number one technician onboard" (verbatim from my new COC). It seems that this new COC will require a much more active approach to "playing the game" WRT face time, sucking up, etc. than my previous COC.


Thank you for your swift replies!

I am the same rank as I was for my last eval and under a different reporting senior. This group's summary average is lower than last eval period, but I am now considered below average instead of well above average.

jus2mch, thank you for the advice. It is true that not all of what I had accomplished was originally submitted, but the really big items such as multiple depot-level repairs and being acknowledge as the subject matter expert on multiple subjects were addressed and used as examples. I am fairly certain that if I do bring it up, it will only burn bridges. Fortunately, a Commissioning Program is already on the recommendations block.

It seems as though I have simply not impressed this new COC enough with my current status as "the number one technician onboard" (verbatim from my new COC). It seems that this new COC will require a much more active approach to "playing the game" WRT face time, sucking up, etc. than my previous COC.
Without actually analyzing all the the data, it will be hard to judge what this eval really means. I am getting the feeling that you might be beating yourself up for no reason.

In my mind the fact that "Commissioning Program" is recommended is an indicator that your eval is better than you think it is.

The most important thing is how you rank relative to your peers AND relative to your reporting seniors cumulative average. The actual absolute numbers are much, much less important (unless there are alot of 1.0s).


Killing insurgents with my 'messages'!!
also keep in mind.. there are very many people who have gotten nothing but P's on their evals and have been selected for commissioning programs (I'm one of them). All I can say is do your best, if you decide to fight for your eval, do it with ALOT of TACT (which is "the ability to deal with others without casing offense") ;) Keep your head up, and move on if it finally doesn't go your way.

OC, formerly EM1


Thank you everyone for your inputs. My current plan is to just speak with the XO (my reporting senior) about it and ask why it is the way it is and what exactly I need to improve on.

I echo HH-60H's comments. If you don't know the reporting senior's average you need to find out. As long as you're above it and show progression then you'll be fine. What to get all the answers before you beat yourself up.

I am usually my own harshest critic so it is very possible that I am beating myself up more than I should, but the problem I have with this eval is that it is lower than the reporting senior's average AND it is lower, with respect to reporting senior's average, than my previous evals. The fact that it has as a recommendation "Officer Program" seems like an anomaly given those facts.

As for my package, I will have to hope that my relatively high scores on tests and the content of my personal statement will offset this development. I got a 67/8/8/8 on the ASTB, so that might help.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for your inputs. My current plan is to just speak with the XO (my reporting senior) about it and ask why it is the way it is and what exactly I need to improve on.

How you proceed is up to you, but speaking with the XO probably won't be all that personally informative. Although the XO signed as your reporting senior, your marks, relative ranking and move from EP to MP are a result of what your senior rater put down, and how things shook out at the E-5 ranking board.

Speaking with whoever your representative was at that ranking board will likely yield much more info than a conversation with the XO, who may or may not know why you got ranked the way you did.

Good luck.


Registered User
I can't offer advice on the eval issue, you are the only one who can decide how to handle that, although I agree the more tact the better the result. I will however (echoing EM1) urge you to submit your package no matter the result of your current debacle. To be cliche- they can't say No unless you ask. If you don't pick up, you'll have another year and another (better) eval to put in your package. Also, keep in mind that evals, though important, don't have the weight of your CO's recommendation and the STA-21 boards (this is STA-21, right?). I remember asking on this forum a few years ago if they thought an NJP w/in 3 yrs would kill my chances, but I applied anyway after getting/earning a waiver and got selected the 2nd time up. Don't let one thing discourage you. There are plenty of negatives out there already. Submit your package and keep working hard.