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Advice About Recruiter and unsat LOR Letters


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Here is my situaton:

My uncle (O-4) received the letter containing the recommendation form from my recruiter. He gave me a call and was pretty angry. He said that the envelope was "all jacked up," halfway taped shut, and looked like it was thrown together. He mentioned that this wasno way to represent the US Navy to people important to the advancement of my [potential] career.

He wants to call the recruiter and let him know what happened, in case it wasn't the recruiter himself that was the culprit. He asked me how I felt about the situation, because he doesn't want to cause me any hate or discontent.

I told him that perhaps he should wait until my package is submitted and reviewed by the board, and then mention it if he feels strongly about it.

Then today, another LOR reference - a retired O-5 - mentioned the same type of thing. Advice/input?


loud-mouthed, know-it-all
Well, I think that it would be pretty easy for the senior officers to get in touch with his next superior officer after your package is complete. I don't think I'd risk your package in case, besides being not very good at his job, he is spiteful. The only fear I would have in the meantime is that if he is that sloppy with info one direction, how will your package look when it makes it up the chain from him...


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Thanks for the input. I feel the same way - not so worried about the appearance of what my references received as I am about the appearance of my package when it arrives in TN. All of the forms I completed were VERY clean, used the same pen on everything and made sure there were absolutely no aesthetic flaws. I am hoping this was just a one-time mistake, or was handled by someone who does not usually take care of this type of thing.


Well-Known Member
You could always ask...

"Did you mail the forms or did someone else at the office mail them?"

If he says he did: "Oh, I guess they got banged up in the mail then."

If he says Petty Officer umptyfrats did: "I just wanted to let you know that <insert description of jacked up letters>"

It could be something that he delegated to one of his subordinates, and he doesn't realize that condition in which they're mailed. In which case, I'm sure he'd like the opportunity to rectify the situation. If he was the one that mailed them, you dance around the issue so he doesn't think you're pissed at him. That's how I'd do it.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Thanks, I think he may have someone in the office that takes care of this for him. I think I will ask him myself, as you suggested, to prevent my uncle from unneccesarily laying down the hammer.

Now, if I can only get him to reply to my e-mails!