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AA Crash in Jamaica

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Does anyone else think its a bad idea to speculate on what SHOULD have happened before all the info is out?


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Any landing you can walk away from...

Well, that was more true in the days of $40,000 fighters. Crash one of our $50MM fighters today or a $200MM commercial jet, and you might wish you had died in the crash!


As a pilot ... sometimes you're damned if you do & damned if you don't ...

If you don't 'go' ... Dispatch, Marketing, Operations, and the PAX are on your case for not connecting the dots between point A and B and 'completing the mission' (you military types will get that, I guess :D) ...

If you do 'go' ... and fuck it up ... everyone in the world is on your case and shooting from the hip/lip on what you 'should have done' ...

Somedays it's just better to stay in bed ... :)

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Crash one of our $50MM fighters today...and you might wish you had died in the crash!
Nah. That's only .71% of the recent stimulus. $50M is chump change....Vegas money so to speak.


Well-Known Member
As a pilot ... sometimes you're damned if you do & damned if you don't ...

If you don't 'go' ... Dispatch, Marketing, Operations, and the PAX are on your case for not connecting the dots between point A and B and 'completing the mission' (you military types will get that, I guess :D) ...

If you do 'go' ... and fuck it up ... everyone in the world is on your case and shooting from the hip/lip on what you 'should have done' ...

Somedays it's just better to stay in bed ... :)

Reminds me of the Delta Flt 191 crash back in '85. I always thought that most airline captains would have flown the same approach, but then what do I know.:confused: Lots of monday morning quarterbacking went on after that one...


Reminds me of the Delta Flt 191 crash back in '85. I always thought that most airline captains would have flown the same approach, but then what do I know.:confused: Lots of monday morning quarterbacking went on after that one...
I HATE Ready-Room-Commando's (a.k.a. Monday morning quarterbacks) , but yeah, I dunno ...

.... as I was sitting in my family room and just turned on the evening TV news ... and looking out the window in the general direction to the north of DFW where a bunch of WX was building rapidly and pointed to the HUGE buildup that was blossoming north of the airport ... I mentioned to the wife (the Dark Side, NOT TW ®
:) ) that I was glad I wasn't flying into that today ... and around 5 minutes later, WFAA or KXAS broke into the regular news broadcast w/ the 'breaking news' that an airliner had just crashed on approach @ DFW Regional ...

I pointed to the HUGE CB that was towering up off the north side of the airport and said: "That's IT !! THAT'S GOTTA' BE IT !!! That's what they flew through !!!"

And it was ... so would I have 'done it' .. ??? I saw it from @ 8-10 miles away. Others had just landed prior to the DAL L10 taking her turn @ going in ... so would I 'have done it' ... ???


Thankfully, we'll never know.


Pays to fly First Class in this instance....

I think you may have the seating diagram turned around .... but it ALWAYS 'pays' to fly in 1st Class, I highly recommend it ... :)

As far as the accident goes, no matter where you're 'sitting' ... when your time's up, your time's up ...

Believe it.



Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
As a commercial airline pilot, I routinely flew in weather much worse than any I experienced as a Naval Aviator, for a variety of reasons (most that A4s has already mentioned).

Certainly not lemming-like, there is nevertheless a bit of follow-the-leader in the airline pilot's go/no-go decision-making. I.E., before the current specific and limiting deicing procedures, I used to chuckle at the morning flights where everyone would take-off without deicing... until one guy decided to de-ice – whether needed or not. After that, everybody de-iced, even though the meteorological circumstances hadn't changed.

Likewise on approaches. Have guys ahead of you getting in, despite the wx, and there is a strong tendency for everyone to "give it a try," despite the conditions. But have one guy refuse approach clearance and ask for a vector because of a cell and wind shear; most everyone follows his lead, regardless of whether his refusal was justified or not.

One memorable incident – several of us were at the departure end at MCI one night, with thunder and lightning all about the field. Radar showed a narrow but clear corridor off the departure end, but none of us were about to risk it. It was a really nasty night. Of course it was WN who finally piped up, requesting take-off... and off he went into the night.

While we would have normally waited longer until the wx improved, but seeing Southwest go started us thinking (and the others holding short) maybe we might give it a go. But before we made our decision, we asked tower to get a WN pirep. WN came back with, "Tell those guys to stay on the deck! They want no part of this! We are getting the living crap beat out of us!" :eek:

So we continued delaying our departure, just as we would have anyway, had not WN decided to go. And we had a nice, safe, smooth departure; watching all the fireworks that had now passed on northeastward, and our flight attendants started their service. ;)


Dirty Hinge
Oh Crap...well, I guess I would be good sitting back by the Microwave and Shitters in Coach then...good catch guys!