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A couple of random questions about OCS


Registered User
slammer...when did you go to OCS? If it was last summer, i ran the o-course for the field meet and used the spinning method. I was with Alpha Co.


Registered User
you know what my hardest obstacle on the 0-course was...the 8-ft wall. I honestly dont know why, its not like im a short guy or anything...but that honestly was what could make or break my time.

...damn wall

8 FEET! What were you smoking? That wall wasn't more than 6 feet. Just a little pop and a hop and you were over it.


Registered User
Well these guys covered the ground pretty well... lots of good advice and stuff... I'm gonna share my tid-bits in as few words as possible

1 - preship pft was 240. I got there, got every shot they had to offer, boxed nasties, little sleep, a couple days of sitting there... initial dropped to a 225... pull ups sucked horribly (i did 10). Run was 22:30 or so and did all the crunches (i always stick one hand in a put and one on an elbow... no one assaulted me for it, woot for Jrs 05)

If you go there with the mindset of refusing to let fatigue and/or physcal ability stop you, rethink going there... i started as one of the lowest pull up people in my platoon and a mid ranged runner... I busted my tail on every event and refused to fall out... When PPA (push pull abs) came, i did all mine no matter what it took... 225 initial pft and i left with a 270 doing 18 pullups...

People i saw fall out of runs usually caught some flack for it... a couple times i dropped from formation to retrieve a candidates and get them back to formation...) Our staff were definitely motivated individuals... several times i remember SSgt Casillas (he lead our squad runs) saying "I feel like i can fly today candidates." which usually meant something like 6 minute miles... it was not uncommon for us to pass 1st squad and even the rear end of the other kilo platoons. One day we didn't run balls to the wall because an officer was leading 1st squad, we simply caught up to them and did the farlek with them...

Be motivated in all you do... IF by chance you want to fall out of a run, when a staff member comes up to you telling you to quit and go home, scream at the top of your lungs "No (insert rank here), this candidate must finish his run" or something to that affect... if you get to the point of falling out, just remember that u are prolly nearing the finishing point where you do a nice slow paced cooldown circle...

Sgt instructors are there to help you master things like the O-course... if you are good at ropes, go for remedial ropes anyway to get criticism on your form and such.

hope it helps... The Marines at OCS will turn your body into a lean, mean, motivated, future leader of Marines!



SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
slammer...when did you go to OCS? If it was last summer, i ran the o-course for the field meet and used the spinning method. I was with Alpha Co.

yeah this past summer Charlie Co. Props if that was you. I've never seen it done that fast!! Did you guys go off and have dinner and do skits and stuff right after the field meet? We were in the classroom and I just wondered if you guys were there too on the other side.