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2nd Amendment Rights & Senator Obama


Registered User
Damn, and I was waiting for the HK 416 to be made available for civilian sales :(


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Trying to tackle the 2nd Amendment is akin to tackling abortion. No politician is actively going to try it. It is too devisive and would be political suicide. Pundits on both sides of the fence shout all day long on their views merely to appease the lunatic fringe in their constituency.


Super Moderator
Yes, but the President has a say in the appointment of Supreme Court Justices and lesser judges. Of course, note how reticent both Democratic candidates have been regarding the recent deliberations in the Supreme Court. they know which side their bread's buttered on. Methinks Senator Obama would have a MUCH harder time with such unconstitutional BS on the national stage . . .

What unconstitutional BS?


Blind. Continue...
What unconstitutional BS?

I am guessing the part of the question that dealt with banning the production, sale, and possession of handguns. That possession part seems especially tricky. But hey, banning assault weapons is apparently legit so who knows. :icon_rage Anyway, yeah, I am making a list of toys to buy before January 20, 2009. Although bar tabs like last weekend aren't helping the cause.


DAR Lapsarian
I am horrified at the idea of Obama being elected, especially after seeing his maniacal minister ranting like a traitor.

(There are many good hiding places for guns presumed lost at sea.)


Senator Obama is completely anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment. If you don't "get" that, then you don't "get" anything. But that's just one of his many, many problems ...

Anyone is entitled to their vote; that's one of the great things about this country .... but whomever votes for him is a fool and deserves everything that will follow ... even if the country doesn't deserve it.

You're free to be a fool. That's also one of the great things about this place.


New Member
Trying to tackle the 2nd Amendment is akin to tackling abortion. No politician is actively going to try it. It is too devisive and would be political suicide. Pundits on both sides of the fence shout all day long on their views merely to appease the lunatic fringe in their constituency.

and our side of the fence has the means (9mm, .45, 5.56, 7.62X39 just to name a few) to take over their side of the fence if we want too... :D


Internet killed the television star
That might not be much of an issue if the Supreme Court weighs in favorably with respect to the DC Gun Ban.

That's a good point. It'll be interesting to see how politicians respond once that decision comes down, regardless of the outcome.


New Member
Trying to tackle the 2nd Amendment is akin to tackling abortion. No politician is actively going to try it. It is too devisive and would be political suicide. Pundits on both sides of the fence shout all day long on their views merely to appease the lunatic fringe in their constituency.

The problem is appointing liberal SCOTUS types isn't political suicide, especially if a case on this subject comes up after re-election. They could even overturn a favorable ruling on the DC issue with a new one if they wanted to and had the votes. At least a few of the liberal justices are getting old, and will be looking to retire if a democrat gets elected to assure that Republicans wont get to choose their replacements. Obama has the most liberal record in the Senate, what kind of justices do you think he would try to appoint?


Registered User
That might not be much of an issue if the Supreme Court weighs in favorably with respect to the DC Gun Ban.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed about a "correct" decision by SCOTUS....

But then again look at what happened with Kelo vs CT.


Former SWO
Good luck getting rid of that amendment....I don't know how many states have to ratify it but you know the red states won't.

3/4 of the entire Congress, and then 3/4 of each and every state legislature. Very, very hard to get an amendment passed/repealed.