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2 year nrotc


New Member
hey ive been looking for information about getting a 2 year nrotc scholarship(supposidly harder and a bit rare to get). I cant seem to find some concrete info on this. Maybe i just read wrong somewhere and it does not exist but my understanding is it's for students transferring to a university after 2 years of junior(community) college. Any info or a link to a thread/webpage would help greatly. thanks


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Do you know what school you are transferring to?

If so they should have a Lt. or Marine Capt. assigned to recruiting duties. They would be able to assist you.


New Member
im retarded i found some information on it. it does exist i wasn't insane. a few questions. I started school in a winter/spring semester(basically started a semester late) so is it different when i should apply? Thanks for that information statesman. As far as what college it is either going to be 1 of the 3 in illinois most likely. Not sure if id be going out of state.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Boards meet throughout the year, but as far as I know you can only get benefits (read scholarship) starting in the Fall.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Boards meet throughout the year, but as far as I know you can only get benefits (read scholarship) starting in the Fall.

I think there's also that Tweedale scholarship for those who "walk on" anytime. Of course, you need to have an engineering major in order to get that.


Well-Known Member
Just don't get so wrapped up in NROTC that you overlook opportunities else where. If I could go back, I'd start a BDCP application while I was trying for the NROTC 2 year as a contingency.


Registered User
I got a two year scholarship April of my sophomore year. Not an engineering major, and got a pilot slot. Send a PM if you want any info. Just work your tail off, also I would concur with the comment above about multiple applications. I had a PLC air application and BDCP application in at the time I got picked up for the NROTC scholarship.


Well-Known Member
I got a two year scholarship April of my sophomore year. Not an engineering major, and got a pilot slot. Send a PM if you want any info. Just work your tail off also I would concur with the comment above. about multiple applications. I had a PLC air application and BDCP application in at the time I got picked up for the NROTC scholarship.

Wise man, very wise.


Registered abUser
I did a two year College Program NROTC gig, no scholarship but a whole 150 bucks a month! If it's till the same you'll get to go to NSI in Rhode Island for summer school/sorta OCS for making up the ROTC courses then plug right into the Junior curriculum. There were no guarantees for which pipeline you would get selected for so keep that in mind. BDCP is good because it starts your ticker as far as service. That means you'll get O-1>2 or 3 pay right out the gate and "really" have to do only 18 years of active service for retirement (If that's the route you choose). Unless you need the money for College, I would consider alternate means than the two-year program. This would provide you a slight advantage in controlling your destiny. (IE AVIATION!!)


New Member
thanks for the good information. But, i was understanding that if you do the nrotc thing college you jump right out as an officer? i think i read that officer school is 12 weeks long so its not a huge delay but it does save some time.


Registered User
ROTC was a good deal for me, it came through before the PLC and BDCP programs, so I took my sure bet as far as getting school paid for. No regrets at all with my decision what so ever though, NROTC is a great program. Good luck to the OP


Registered abUser
thanks for the good information. But, i was understanding that if you do the nrotc thing college you jump right out as an officer? i think i read that officer school is 12 weeks long so its not a huge delay but it does save some time.

Okay, I'll bite.... Correct, you do "jump" out as an Officer, but not before those other twelve weeks have been made up doing other things. OCS is designed to take joe schmo off the street and turn him into an Officer. NROTC is more of an indoctrination process. You wear khakis once a week, you drill on the field learning how to march, you PT. It becomes a good social foundation too. Much like the Fleet, your friends become those whom you work with. In the summer's you will either go to a ship/sub/or aviation squadron and be "exposed" to the real Navy, to kind of get a taste of what you/it's like. Read the fine print on the scholarship, say you hate it and decide to toss in the towel, you get to do a few years enlisted. Explore all your options and you should consider yourself well informed before making your commitment, because in the long run that's what it is and has to be. And if your worried about saving time, flight school will teach you all you need to know about "time management"..


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
There are actually two NROTC options:

1. 2 year NROTC scholarship. You will be behind the power curve during your "junior/Midn 2/c" year. Same as the 3 & 4 year scholarships. They pay for your tuition and books as well as receive a monthly tax-free stipend (350 JR/400 SR).

2. College Program/Advanced Standing: You pay for college while receiving only your monthly tax-free stipend.

Both options commission you after graduation and NO OCS required. For both of these programs, you cannot have had any prior college NROTC enrollment. Oh by the way, before you start your Junior Year, you will be required to attend the Naval Science Institute at Newport, RI for 6-8 weeks.

Hope this helps.

-ea6bflyr ;)