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I saw the PLAT footage of the crash that occured aboard the Kitty Hawk on this date.

I will not ask any details, and would like to say that I was glad to hear the crew survived.

I will ask, however..............how do you compensate for the deck pitch and roll on an approach? In the tape, I can hear the LSO talking the pilot into the approach with deck up and down calls. But, it seems to me that the more you chase the deck, the more you will loose the glide slope. I have a hard time with chasing the needle on ILS's, and my runway does not move............so it amazes me how you carrier pilots can shoot those approaches.



Super *********
Super Moderator
You don't chase the deck, you fly the ball. The lens is gyro stabilized but if it can't keep up, Paddles can go to manual operation, MOVLAS. Paddles will give calls as well, "decks up, on glideslope........or..........decks down, your high" to help while flying the ball. We've got some Paddles who can explain it better I'm sure. My waving days are long over. Once you've called the ball, if we come down the shute in a CASE III, we're no longer on needles anyway. Meatball, lineup, angle of attack. I flew my last carrier pass ever last year but I'll never forget those three words.


Well-Known Member
Bunky, did COD guys used to be LSO's?

I thought the E2 guys waved you? Or is Kmac living up to his OCS "nickname" again? :icon_smil


Super *********
Super Moderator
Bunky, did COD guys used to be LSO's?

I thought the E2 guys waved you? Or is Kmac living up to his OCS "nickname" again? :icon_smil

A few of us were waving on the west coast during the period we "officially" did the day/night stuff and stayed on the boat. I got my squadron qual but we stopped flying night my second deployment so did not get my wing qual. One other paddles got his wing qual while I was there and the current Skipper of VRC-30 was an east coast COD driver but earned his quals at VAW-120. He went on to be a CAG paddles (CVW-5) and AIRPAC paddles. Now days though, it's tough to get anything beyond a field qual. If you don't fly to the boat at night, you have no credibility to wave at night. I think some CAG paddles will give squadron quals if one really wants it but sacrifice beach time for boat time?? Who in their right mind would do that :eek:


Well-Known Member
Not me..

If I were stuck on the boat, I would be all over LSO like a fat kid on a cupcake.. Ok, me on a cupcake.


Well-Known Member

Except for CNATRA/FRS CQ, anyone can wave anyone as long as there is a wing qualified LSO on the platform.



Super *********
Super Moderator
I've never been a SME before.

Is that good or bad?


You were at least a wing qualified paddles? If so, I designate you as the resident SME on the matter. I waved for about 2 years, 1 full deployment and went to LSO school. My knowledge on waving is limited to getting debriefed for a lousy pass :)


Well-Known Member
My knowledge on waving is limited to getting debriefed for a lousy pass :)

Gee Whiz, If I had a buck for each time I got debriefed for a lousy pass, I'd be RICH!

I guess I have the experience, but always hesitate to wear the SME hat - seems like there is always someone who knows more then you do somewhere!
