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1/C Aviation Summer Cruise


Registered User
Hey guys,

I was wondering what you would recommend bringing on the aviation summer cruise. What uniform are you in most of the time and how much of the time are you in civilian clothes? Is there anything on the list that is not necessary to bring?

Thanks for your inputs


Depends on where your going and whether its aviation ashore or underway. For my "aviation underway" cruise i was mostly in a poopie suit or khakis, and never a flight suit (yeah, it was one of those cruises where after arriving we were told we weren't getting to fly anything by the ship.... the helo squadron aboard tried to rescue us, but couldn't save us all from the misery that ensued). I had my car w/ a trunk full of civies waiting at the end of the pier and was in civies every day we weren't underway (which turned out to be the vast majority of the cruise) so that worked out pretty. If your going aviation ashore, definately bring a lot of civies and your laptop for the BOQ room. If underway in-conus, bring some civies and a game system but I'd consider leaving the laptop at home lest it find its way into someone elses hands...


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
We wore whites on the day we arrived, were promptly issued flight suits, and never touched another uniform the whole time. Flew home in civvies (thanks LT!).

If you're ashore, bring civvies, you will NEED them.

Fezz CB

I was aviation ashore westcoast and all we wore were flight suits. I didnt get many flights which meant lots of libo. If u go ashore, bring a good amount of civies.


Chicks Dig Rotors...
First Class Aviation cruise: Summer of 2005

Ashore in Lemoore, CA.

Checked in in whites, although several mids wore civvies on the flight and checked in in khakis. Nobody cared, we checked in... they gave us a private BOQ room and told us to change into khakis and muster the next day.

After that we were assigned a squadron, the squadron gave us flight suits... and we never wore another uniform. I was basically ordered to lfy home in civvies.

Work day was usually from 0800 to lunch. LOTS of downtime, lots of time to wear civvies... I had to stop at the NEX and buy a few more shirts and another pair of shorts. Also, if you get Lemoore, it is HOTTER THAN HELL in the summer. Like, 108 degrees a day.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I figured that we'd put the mids visiting us in bags. I guess if they really want to be in whites the whole time we could hook them up :)


Registered User
I did HSL cruise at Mayport. Check-in was whites, We were issued bags the next day. Required uniform was bags, so needless to say we only wore our flight suits. So whites, plenty of civies and if you go to mayport make sure you bring: sandles, beach towel, sun glasses, swim suit, and some sun block, then enjoy your time on the beach, you'll have plenty of it!!! BOQ is right on the beach so you can work on that tan. So whats the cruise list lookin like this year? Anyone get a sweet cruise yet? Like hornets or anything like that?


Registered User
this is more of a swimming question, but still cruise-related...
what exactly does the water survival / physiology test to go on summer cruise entail? i've been working on my stroke techniques at the pool but i'm a little worried about how much harder it'll be with the uniform, boots and helmet on.


Registered User
I have the same question. Is it like the one at CORTRAMID where you swim 25 yards, tread water, and do a prone float in flightsuit, boots, and helmet? Also, my LT was unsure as to whether or not Midshipmen get to ride the Helo Dunker or merely watch a demonstration.


Registered User
I know that individuals at various units underwent different levels of instruction before going on summer cruise, but I think for the most part it is essentially the same basic tests that you do at cortramid, such as swimming 25 yards in full flight gear. They also had us do a few underwater proficiency tests, and jump from the tower, but it was nothing too difficult. If someone had a problem with something, they were very helpful and no one failed any of the various portions. However, we did not get to experience or observe the helo dunker. This was in P-cola, was a week long, and could probably have been shortened to 2 days, maybe 1. Some people I heard did it at Pax River in I think only a day. So it may be different depending on where you go.


Well-Known Member
I went to Pax River and it was exactly like the one we did on CORTRAMID with the exception of the fact that we had a 15 yard swim underwater in full gear. We knocked it off in a day with ease. They really glossed over a lot of the physiology/ejection seat stuff so that's probably why it was so short. Honestly, the swimming's not bad. If you can pass the CORTRAMID stuff, you're golden. As kaytr0n can attest, I was a rock in the pool during CORTRAMID and I passed this thing with ease (I've put in a little work since freshman year but...).


Copilot, actually.
That was the most fun of all the summer cruises. Didn't learn as much as NTT or Leatherneck, but definitely had more fun. VFA-106 in Oceana: what a hook-up. Two F/A-18D rides and a T-34C one to boot. Checked in wearing whites, wore khakis until they gave me a flight suit, then nothing else. Civvies were a must, along with a strong liver.

Swimming was ridiculously easy, even more so than the P-Cola stuff during API. Don't worry about it, and pat yourself on the back that you got a great deal.



NPQ from SNA
From Oceana 2006: VFA 131

Here is exactly what you need if you are going to a Hornet squadron (I was there last year).

First of all, I would recommend having your own POV, but if you're going to Lemoore, then I doubt you can make that happen.

Secondly, whether you're flying or driving (it doesn't matter what your unit says) check in in whites - no one will ever fault you for being in whites to check in for cruise. Bring one pair of whites (ones to check in), one pair of khakis (your preferred CNTS or poly-wools), and then a S*&T-ton of civvies. Bring enough civvies for a two-week vacation. Golf, beach, everything. Trust me - this is where most Mids go wrong. Bring a ton.

Other than that, my only advice is to show up early every day at your respective squadron. If you can get assigned to the RAG, you will probably get more flights, but with due dilligence you can get some from a regular squadron. My hornet ride was one of the most exciting times of my life thus far......