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FY12 STA-21 Applicants

Keith Delgado

FY-12 Med Corps Alternate
Bitter sweet moment. I was selected as the only alternate for Med Corps. I'm not sure how I feel. I am happy to see my name on the list but disappoiinted that I wasn't a primary selection. Congrats to everyone who was selected. It was tough. I agree with the above statement, If you submitted a package, your already shit hot. just keep applying.


FY-12 SWO/ED Selectee
I didn't get my first option either. My real point though, all sarcasm aside, is that billets for EOD, SEALS, PILOTS, and INTEL, (really everyone as a whole took heavies this year, with total billets cut 50%) continued to shrink this year, which makes no sense to me. I understand the nuclear needs of the Navy, but big picture, those guys just keep the ships moving to support the others fields doing their jobs. My view of things may be slightly biased, and we are in the Navy after all, but when is the last time we were in a giant naval battle?
My brother is an AW2/FY09 STA-21 Pilot Select and we've had this argument too. What percentage of air strikes performed by Naval Aviators originate from anywhere other than the flight deck of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier? The truth is the nuclear and aviation communities are tied together in a lot of ways. I guarantee you more pilots love their jobs and stay in than nukes, so more nukes were selected.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
This argument is like the chicken and the egg ... which came first? When is the last time a carrier was out w/o an escort, shot tomahawks, or ran anti-piracy ops? I understand the unique quals nukes hold but 39 out of 75 seems to be a whole hell of a lot. 37 nukes and 2 EDO. Congrats to all.


FY-12 Oceano Alternate
I am the oceanography alternate. I was hoping for more than one selectee this year...oh well. I only count three total oceano selects including the swo guys.


US Navy Diver
This argument is like the chicken and the egg ... which came first? When is the last time a carrier was out w/o an escort, shot tomahawks, or ran anti-piracy ops? I understand the unique quals nukes hold but 39 out of 75 seems to be a whole hell of a lot. 37 nukes and 2 EDO. Congrats to all.
Can't really guess why Nuke's numbers were practically untouched but everywhere else they seemed to shrink but in the end that's how it is. Not our decision to make (yet).

Honestly I would have been surprised to make it my first time and while I'm disappointed... I'm still glad to have put in my application, glad I have time to improve upon it and more than anything extremely glad to be having a kid. We went to our first real appointment yesterday and while going away for a month kind of sucks, it's nice being able to finally hold a picture of him/her.

Not trying to launch that "whatever happens, happens" thing again. I agree with what was said before, everyone who was anxiously awaiting these results did so because they believed... honestly believed that they had a chance at making it. Whatever was in each person's application that brought them to that moment should be something to be proud of. We've had great careers and all that matters is we continue to have great careers in the Navy, great careers as an Officer or great lives after the Navy. I'm sad I didn't make it but I'm anxious to try again and excited about what I'll be doing 6-7 months from now...


FY-12 Pilot Ready to fly Navy!
i will be creating FY13 STA-21 Applicants in the posting thread, those that made it and those that did not lets share and get ready for next year!


FY12 STA-21 SWO Selectee
Trust me, I understand where you're coming from. I was a staff member in the nuclear pipeline and still applied SWO/ED twice. The selection rates for Nuke are ridiculously higher but it's not what I wanted to do.

Congrats on finally making SWO/ED Chief. I'll be seeing you in Newport in a couple months. I got picked up for SWO.

Congrats to everyone that made it. My advice to the guys and gals that didn't get picked up is it's all about quantity. I've been in the navy for 5 years and I've applied to the STA-21 program 4 times. First two times, nothing, 3rd time I was a CORE Alt and this year I finally got picked up SWO. Basically if you really want a commission, nothing can stop you from getting it except yourself. Keep your chins up and keep applying! I'll be looking forward to meet all the selectees from this forum at NSI in February.


FY-12 Specwar Alternate
I know a lot of the SEALs and EOD wannabes come from the Naval Academy or from schools with NROTC. There's enough people who wish to become one that there's no need for STA-21 to "pick up the slack".

On another note, bummed that I didn't make either list. Congrats to everyone who made it and I guess I'll just be applying next year.

Those guys are just that - wannabes. Why not give another spot or two to the guys that have actually made it through the training already and have already proven themselves to be good at the job. 1 spot is ridiculous.
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US Navy Diver
Those guys are just that - wannabes. Why not give another spot or two to the guys that have actually made it through the training already and have already proven themselves to be good at the job. 1 spot is ridiculous.
Trust me, I agree with you. We did have a few guys here made EOD through direct commission though. That may be the more likely route.


So I thought I was going to have to take my math final while wondering if I got picked up. Right before we started the captain called me and congratulated me. Made my test a little less stressful, for sure. I am ecstatic to get picked up but I'm truly bummed that the numbers were so bad. For a while now, I've said that the bad economy hasn't affected me, but it turns out it definitely has. For those that can't apply again, I'm very sorry. For those that can, keep your head up and try again. I'll help however I can for next years applicants but everyone pretty much knows what the board is looking for. I doubt I can tell you anything that you don't already know. But I'll still do my best, if you have questions. For those that got selected, see you soon.

Adam McFarland

New Member
Only one IW plus ALT = weak sauce

I'll be joining that FY13 thread. I was already focusing on next year when I put in this package (my first).

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
So I thought I was going to have to take my math final while wondering if I got picked up. Right before we started the captain called me and congratulated me. Made my test a little less stressful, for sure. I am ecstatic to get picked up but I'm truly bummed that the numbers were so bad. For a while now, I've said that the bad economy hasn't affected me, but it turns out it definitely has. For those that can't apply again, I'm very sorry. For those that can, keep your head up and try again. I'll help however I can for next years applicants but everyone pretty much knows what the board is looking for. I doubt I can tell you anything that you don't already know. But I'll still do my best, if you have questions. For those that got selected, see you soon.

Congratulations!! That's awesome that you made it. You had some great stats. I finish my AA in DEC and willed be applying again for sure. Any advice you can give pm me please. I would be grateful.