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BDCP for online degree programs?


Active Member
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could tell me if I'd be able to attend an online marketing degree program (through UF Warrington college of business) and still be able to apply for BDCP? I did a search on the subject in this forum and came up with the following thread:


I just want to be absolutely sure because it will affect alot of the decisions I'm about to make:

I applied for the traditional on campus marketing program in the college of business, but due to state budget cuts the UF business college is making huge admissions cuts for summer semesters which included me (I'm behind 15 others with 4.0's who cannot transfer in according to the office of admissions.) I was told to expect it to be even harder to get in for this comming fall. I was however pointed in the direction of an on-line marketing degree which would put me in the business college with the degree I want, so I'm pursuing this now. If none of this pans out I'll likely to apply for next Fall in the college of agricultures "business program" since they aren't facing the same cuts and are allowing more transfer students. (ANYTHING TO BE A GATOR RIGHT?!)

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read.



SWO in-training
Maybe this is something you would have to ask a recruiter about. However, to get accepted into BDCP, you have to turn in an academic completion plan that states the classes you will be taking each semester up to graduation and you sign it saying you will not differ from your plan. I am not sure how this would work if you are going to transfer and such. You can probably transfer but you would have to turn in a new plan and get it approved before doing so.

Hope that helped a bit, you are in a unique situation.

Oh and regarding your online classes, if you are a full-time student I don't see why you would not be able to be in BDCP, just make sure you meet all the requirements. Sorry, I didn't read your question right the first time.


Well-Known Member
To echo above, ask an Officer Recruiter to be sure. I took online courses while I was BDCP, but I was in the classroom for most of my courses. One would think that as long as the university is accredited that there should not be any problems, but that's purely speculation.


Active Member
Maybe this is something you would have to ask a recruiter about. However, to get accepted into BDCP, you have to turn in an academic completion plan that states the classes you will be taking each semester up to graduation and you sign it saying you will not differ from your plan. I am not sure how this would work if you are going to transfer and such. You can probably transfer but you would have to turn in a new plan and get it approved before doing so.

Hope that helped a bit, you are in a unique situation.

Oh and regarding your online classes, if you are a full-time student I don't see why you would not be able to be in BDCP, just make sure you meet all the requirements. Sorry, I didn't read your question right the first time.

Thank you, it did! As far as being a community college transfer, my officer recruiter told me that all I needed was one semester in at my 4yr university (which will be the UF business college if I do the online program this summer), take the ATSB, PFR, gather letters of recommendation, etc. and continue the process of applying from there.

From what I've read about the UF online program, the core/major/professional development classes for the degree are all on-line and I won't have to be on campus necessarily. I'm guessing I'll have to do the electives on campus however? I'll have more info on this comming soon, so I'll do my best to update you guys. I imagine there are quiet a few others on here who may be wondering how the online-programs work with BDCP as well!

Thanks again


SWO in-training
I took a couple of classes online and loved them, as I am sure you will. Kind of get to do stuff on your own and not have to sit in long boring classes.
Good Luck.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I took a couple of classes online and loved them, as I am sure you will. Kind of get to do stuff on your own and not have to sit in long boring classes.
Good Luck.

some colleges now only offer certain classes online. for example, you can only take calculus online at virginia tech now in a system called "math emporium". there isn't a live classroom calculus class any more apparently. but if you suck at math (like i do), you can always find a tutor there.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
Good luck with that whole engineering thing... :rolleyes:

I'm taking calc now as a senior but i've had a private math tutor since i was in 7th grade (the same one). he tutors me from 2-5 hours per week (once i had to take algebra 1 over again during the summer, so he was tutoring me on that about 5 hours per week). that's how much i suck at math. i'm going to take calc again as a freshman. i'm expecting it to be easier the 2nd time. LOL.

i hope my example shows persistence. at least i'm not giving up on math!!!


SWO in-training
Ya know what though DSL, I thought calc was easier in college the second time, I am sure you will do just fine. Plus, universities always offer tutor programs for a nominal fee. I am sure you will do fine. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
and what did you find? it wasn't easier in reality? :confused:

To me (being someone who sucks at math), math is easier in college.

Usually, there is a cabal of mature students in any college math class who study together all the time, share solutions and help equally among themselves (no one is dead weight), they all have SOMETHING useful to bring to the table academically even if it isn't directly related to math, and just in general look out for one another. This klique is usually closed off to slackers who are expecting them to pass the class for them (ie: they are never invited to study sessions no matter how bad everyone knows they are doing). Everyone in the the klique leaves the course with at least a B.

Seek out and join these Kliques!

Oh, and if the klique doesn't already exist, make one.


SWO in-training
No no, I mean if you had calc in high school, it is even easier in college. I struggled with calc in high school and got when I took it at college it was easier because you will start with a clue.
DSL, in college, with any class, if you go to class, do your HW, and ask for help when you need it, it won't be that bad. That goes for calc as well.