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BZ to the Ace


is clara ship
Great comment. I’m glad we both recognize the institutional hypocrisy when we see it.

This is also the same forum that almost had an aneurysm over Harriers getting new radars and AMRAAM years ago.

We did that with the Growler too, years ago. In a weird turn of events, I now teach them to use that new radar and AMRAAM. We're maybe not as hard up about it as you think


Registered User
I refuse to ever click on his YT channel again, but I assume it’s something along the lines of “old man yells at cloud”, with “deep intel” thrown in for clickbait. Oh, and something about the F-14, because that generation of aircrew will never move on.

That about right?

Am in the same line of thinking, except how the F-14 could have done it much better.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Put me in the camp of "Not an Ace" since drones/cruise missiles can't shoot back, but by all means paint that shit on the side of your Harrier and give my man a **DFC (knocked down to a silver star since the USMC hates awards).

**Edit: Silver Star greater than a DFC apparently. FUBIJAR.
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Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Put me in the camp of "Not an Ace" since drones/cruise missiles can't shoot back, but by all means paint that shit on the side of your Harrier and give my man a DFC (knocked down to a silver star since the USMC hates awards)
Wouldn’t a Silver Star be an “upgrade” from a DFC? Maybe give him a clean DFC (no “V”), but a Silver Star is a pure valor award and the DFC (lower precedence) can be given for aerial achievement. If Mother Green hates gongs maybe give him a clean BS or better yet…a Meritorious Service Medal!


Well-Known Member
The DoD (or the Corps), Isn't gonna wait for the F-35B. The Corps deploys with what they have..............over adapt, and overcome.