I have always found it ironic that former Navy and AF pilots – who generally are considered to be mostly conservative and anti-union, within short order become the staunchest union leaders at their respective airlines.
There must be reasons for such extraordinary yet common flip-flops. And there indeed is.
Ask those who know.
For the novice, ignorance is no excuse. Anyone who invests so much time and money – while getting jerked around - in learning the FARs and building outrageously expensive time should also invest some free, yes free time in learning about the exploitations of pilots. The books Flying the Line and FTL II are cheap. But asking the experienced pilot - especially the former military aviator who has transitioned, and who truly knows is free.
Over decades, I have denied all scabs from my jumpseats, asked some to leave my house or presence, refused to be at the same mutual friends' parties, kicked them off my boat, etc. I never went beyond that, but many have, some exceedingly, with reason. And I can sympathize. A scab is a traitor to his fellow aviator, regardless of his plethora of excuses.
In the military, you are a unit. You cover the guy next to you. As a POW, you never seek privileges at the exclusion of your fellow POW. But unfortunately, you will find many backstabbing sleazy people in the airline business that would sell their soul to advance ... at the expense of their fellow pilot.
Real or feigned ignorance, even for novitiates is no excuse!