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NFOs and IFS

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I was just wondering if anyone had any straight info on this...

Are NFOs required to do IFS? I have heard differing things, including being told that only if there is a long back-up are they required to do so...



IFS is not mandatory for SNFOs to start API. During the last few weeks, the IFS office has started taking more people for voluntary SNFO IFS.


IFS is not mandatory for SNFOs to start API. During the last few weeks, the IFS office has started taking more people for voluntary SNFO IFS.

Thanks for the info!


Registered User
How hard is it to get voluntary IFS for pre-api snfos? I was thinking of paying for it myself since usna cut snfo ifs this year. It burns me up hearing all the snas here complaining about having a flight later that day. Go Noles!


NSW land
I would imagine it would be fairly easy to get on. Besides, the WANT you to be flying while you're waiting for API dates...more familiarization before get into the program. For me, I don't think I can do it since I've been flying already on my own...but I may lie and say no experience just so I can keep flying! :D

Point being, I know your frustration. These fag aviators come in and complain because they are forced to do the one thing that we are all dying to do. Believe me, if they'd give up their spot, I'd take it in a heartbeat. I love flying and will continue to do it on my own if the Navy won't pay for it. Its well worth it. You should be okay though, if you don't have any prior flight experience...meaning logged hours. But if you do and for some reason they don't let you, go ahead and invest in your private license...you'll be glad you did. And, being in FL, there are PLENTY of good flight schools to choose from that will give you good prices and excellent instruction.

Let me know how it goes with it and whether or not they'll give you IFS.


Squanto2 said:
I have requested info from the IFS office in Pcola...now to see if they are even up and running.

I have heard that they are up and running in P'cola (IFS office) as of yesterday... so hopefully your wait will not be so long...



Registered User
Just talked to ifs...they don't know if they are going to allow snfos to participate. Only open to snas at this time. :(


Registered User
to be honest this thread pisses me off
i don't know your background but if you are a naval officer actually stationed in pensacola you'd never have said you would lie about previous flight hours

foe's don't tend to get ifs because frankly it's not there responsibility to be good as a stick monkey, some do just because there are extra spots, but i went through contact just fine having 0 previous flight hours

in the grand scheme of things, you have plenty of time to wait and everybody is excited and wants to get ahead, but ifs is such a minor issue its almost ridiculous to talk about it at this length, if you want to do something in your spare time start learning your ep's
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