Firstly, congrats to all who've been selected so far. Incredibly excited for you! Next, I've been a
long time lurker here on airwarriors, and I have to say how much I appreciate all the information on here, you guys definitely provide an awesome amount of knowledge.
I was hoping to get acquainted with all you fine people on a much happier note. However, after a grueling wait for "the call" from my recruiter I was told it was a Pro Rec N for me.
Definitely a punch in the gut to be basically told "no you're not good enough" after such an extensive process.
This is definitely not the end of the road though, just another hurdle to jump. Going to take a breather and focus on the insane amount of finals to get through these next 2 weeks and then re-group and get re-focused on the end-goal. Best of luck to everyone!
*if anyone was stats:
- 49 5/6/6
- 3.30 gpa
- LOR's from 3 employers & 3 from close family friends (none from military personnel- unfortunately family isn't allowed to write LOR's, and to my thinking it was better to get references from people who've known me my entire life than from those who aren't as well acquainted?)
- tattoo waivers