I recently took a survey for CNAF regarding retention and incentives. At the end the survey asked "what question didn't we ask that we should have?"
I answered with the following:
You need to find where the line is when people say "screw it, I'm staying anyway" when retirement plans for currently serving service-members are drastically changed. If I woke up tomorrow and found out that (at 14 years) that I would not be getting 50% at 20 years, I would immediately submit my resignation. At that point, every additional day I spend in uniform is a day I'm not earning more income on the outside.
They need to find out where the "I'm staying anyway" line is.
Additionally, how many of you were surveyed for the poll that concluded we would all prefer more up front cash to deferred in-kind benefits? I suspect this was a result driven survey where the respondents were selected based on the likelihood they would provide the DESIRED response... If it needs spelling out - how many of the PO3s in your command are going to say "No, I don't want more cash now - keep it and give it to me later."? I'd be very interested to see the demographics of those who were asked to participate - specifically, how many of them had more than 8 years of service.
Husband (well over your 8 years of service line) was sent something asking him to participate, and he did. I can't tell you what his answers were as I have no idea, but I know he did the survey.