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New ATC system


Well-Known Member
Wish I could say that didn't happen in the Phrog community, but... I once looked over and saw my copilot's hod nodding something fierce while flying on Goggles in Iraq... Luckily, we weren't getting shot at.


Super Moderator
What's a FMS?? What's an RNAV ??? SIDS??? STARS??? What in the hell are you guys talking about??? :eek:

Here's MY flight management and navigation systems!!! AND the added bonus ... they double as male secretaries .... :D


Wait til you look over and see the pilot of your T-39 nodding off......on a L/L.....and you, the SNFO, are sitting in the other pilot's seat........:eek:


UO Future Pork Chop
FYI, I didn't come up with this all by myself, so you don't think I'm some pilot-hating punk (I'm just a punk), it came out of a Flashchat convo.


FYI, I didn't come up with this all by myself, so you don't think I'm some pilot-hating punk (I'm just a punk), it came out of a Flashchat convo.

HEY!!! I hate SOME pilots too, so you have no monopoly on that ... !!!! :D

At my second airline --- an early probationary flight --- I was the S/O (not significant other, you fools) paired with two REALLY old guys .... they fell asleep (both of 'em) on climb out with the auto-pilot set ....

.... we're getting to level off .... no altitude capture .... old system .... B727 ..... what to do ... wake 'em up and embarrass them ??? Or let them kill me??? What to do ???

So I "bumped" the nose trim on the center pedestal as we approached level off, trimming the airplane a little out of the climb and kicking off the auto-pilot with the attendant horn and noise of the 727 trim wheel ---

Both pilots woke up, haruuuumphing and coughing as only two sleeply good 'ol boys can do ..... :D

If "they" need it -- "slap 'em" (figuratively). Just make sure YOU can back it up with righteousness on YOUR side ... :)

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
.... we're getting to level off .... no altitude capture .... old system .... B727 .....
I'm really getting to love the Jurassic Jet......but I do wish it had a better autopilot or at least a good flight director. Can't complain about my scan though.....

I flew a -100 with the mod for 217 engines (MD-80 engines) on 1 & 3 the other day. What a rocket! :D


Registered User
To threadjack this back to the original post and do a little resurrecting...

Both the FAA and the airlines are starting to come up with some pretty cool pieces of technology to be implemented both on the ground and in the cockpit. The FAA wants to sink $20 billion into something they call "NextGen" over the next 20 years. That's all fine and dandy, and I'm all for any new gadgets that give us, and you pilots, a better view of the picture, but the fact is that both the airlines and the FAA are selling this technology to the public based on the notion that it will decrease delays... and it won't do that. Probably not even a little bit.

What it will do is allow for more efficient routing... less time in the air, less fuel being burnt. But delays don't stem from aircraft having to fly a specific route... the stem from the fact that, not matter how close you can fly two airplanes enrouet, you can still only have one on that big strip of concrete at a time (two at the places where TIPH hasn't been taken away) and you still have minimum seperation for wake turbulence - something that neither a radar or GPS based system can prevent. Furthermore, as long as the airlines insist on using hub scheduling and plan schedules around VFR arrival rates then you're going to be backing the system up faster than you can say "airmass thunderstorm."

I'm all for ADS-B. A well-informed pilot is a helpful pilot. But if you want to reduce delays then you either need to build more runways and schedule less flights into airports where delays are an issue.

BTW - Anyone know how to change a username?


To threadjack this back to the original post and do a little resurrecting...........if you want to reduce delays then you either need to build more runways and schedule less flights into airports where delays are an issue.
Unfortunately, your "dream" scenario will NEVER occur as long as $$$$$ comes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd .... and bureaucracies, NIMBY's, competition in a deregulated aviation system, and bottom-line oriented airline management(s) exist ....

Believe it.



Professional Pot Stirrer
Yeah, never forget to dial in the arrival ATIS frequency. It makes an excellent alarm clock.
I use the ACARS.. When Ops gives you a buzz saying you were suppose to switch freqs about 100 miles ago and center is looking for you..

I had a high mins Captain about 7-8 months ago that couldn't stay awake.. I wake him on base leg, he takes the jet, then about 3 minutes later falls back asleep... I configure and he wakes up when the jet gives the 1000 ft callout but still kept nodding till he took it at the 500 ft.. Let's it just do an autoland.. On the crew bus he calls in to Crew Scheduling as fatiqued... He was a wreck.. Dude could barely stand up and walk.. I think, I did the shutdown checklist. :eek: