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McCain's Surprise VP Pick; governor, pilot, and can wield an M4

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I'm voting McMilf because I don't want my taxes to increase so I can pay to rebuild the homes of the people about to get schwacked by Gustav in NOLA. What was that about those that fail to learn history?

You make more than $250k per year? Not sure if you're aware but we don't make that much in the Navy.


Registered User
Sweet. Your rebuttal contained Nazis and KKK members. And socialists. If you continue with that type of marginal argument no one is going to take you seriously.

Oh please, you make it sound as if I was comparing Barack Obama to the Nazis or something. You know what I was saying. Guess we will just have to "agree to disagree" on this issue.


I bet Obama couldn't even find the safety.....
Of course he can --- the option (below) is high on his list of how to "safe" firearms::)



Hey intern, get me a Campari!
You make more than $250k per year? Not sure if you're aware but we don't make that much in the Navy.

Actually I think the first tax bracket that would see an increase under Obama's plan is the one starting at $603K.

Not saying I'm an Obama fan, but "McCain will keep my taxes lower" really isn't an appropriate argument for anyone on a military salary.


Actually I think the first tax bracket that would see an increase under Obama's plan is the one starting at $603K.....
ACTUALLY ... a lot of you people do not understand how taxes & markets work.

When businesses and
the 'big boys' @ >$603K/year have their taxes raised -- they pass along that increase to the rest of us in the form of higher prices for 'consumer goods' -- or basically anything & everything that we buy. "They" don't pay the tax increase -- you do.

I guess you don't think of that increase as an indirect .... *gasp* TAX *gasp* :eek:


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
ACTUALLY ... a lot of you people do not understand how taxes & markets work.

When businesses and
the 'big boys' @ >$603K/year have their taxes raised -- they pass along that increase to the rest of us in the form of higher prices for 'consumer goods' -- or basically anything & everything that we buy. "They" don't pay the tax increase -- you do.

I guess you don't think of that increase as an indirect .... *gasp* TAX *gasp* :eek:

No, I understand that and agree with you. That's why I'd still support McCain's tax plan over Obama's. I'm just saying in terms of the actual amount of money that you give directly to the IRS, those of us making less than $603K a year will pay more under the former than the latter.

Liberals tend to ignore the fact that the economy is driven by those in the upper tax brackets and think that making them pay more will have no effect on the middle class. Pretty short-sighted, I think.


Registered User
Yes, anywhere from 40% to 70% of the total tax revenue is paid by the highest-earning 1%. The bottom-earning 50% pay something like 3% of the total tax revenue.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Hahaha, whatever dude. Ban me if you please. You are ridiculous. So you can be disrespectful towards me when you have NEVER seen combat ON THE GROUND? I am a 2 tour veteran in a combat unit buddy. Don't get it twisted. I've seen more shit than you can ever imagine from your plane.




Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Yes, anywhere from 40% to 70% of the total tax revenue is paid by the highest-earning 1%. The bottom-earning 50% pay something like 3% of the total tax revenue.
This bit of trivia is meaningless. See if you can figure out why.

(Hint: It may have something to do with not including percentage of overall income rec'd)


Registered User
This bit of trivia is meaningless. See if you can figure out why.

(Hint: It may have something to do with not including percentage of overall income rec'd)

I am not implying that the bottom-earning 50% needs to be taxed at something like 90% to "even things out." My point is that a great deal of our economic investment and wealth comes from the highest-earners.

The Chief

Actually I think the first tax bracket that would see an increase under Obama's plan is the one starting at $603K.

Hmm, I keep hearing a very different figure being bandied about by the left. What I hear them saying is that they will not increase taxes on the middle class, but they do not give us a $$ figure of makes one middle class. Last figures I saw, middle class was someone making $43,500 a year.

You must listen closely to what Pols are saying, not that it makes a hill of beans of difference. Campaign promises are meant to get one elected, not kept.


Registered User
Obama has said he will not increase taxes on anyone making under $250K from what I've heard/seen. This is a bit of a modification from what he was originally saying, back during the primaries; myself, I am against any tax increase, especially now. We should not punish those who are successful, especially for wealth redistribution.
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