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How to get banned in three easy lessons

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Yes, there is humor in flight school.

My book, Getting Our Wings-- Tales from Naval Aviation Flight School, will merge the 100-year history of Naval Aviation with the humor that is always there. Look at my web page: www:GettingOurWings.com .


Flight School has many humorous moments.

That's my new book-- history and humor of Naval Aviation Training. We are looking for stories.

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You'll be glad you did.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
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That's my new book-- history and humor of Naval Aviation Training. We are looking for stories.
.....You'll be glad you did.
No I won't ... and fuck you. That's what my 'non-fiction' book that I'm 50% done with encompasses. NAVAIR 'humor' and 'sea stories'.

Except the stories are all mine ... not some rip-off of others. Writing is a bitch to compile and make sense of ... especially if it's YOUR stuff.

Again, in case I wasn't clear the first time: fuck you.


Super *********
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No I won't ... and fuck you. That's what my 'non-fiction' book that I'm 50% done with encompasses. NAVAIR 'humor' and 'sea stories'.

Except the stories are all mine ... not some rip-off of others. Writing is a bitch to compile and make sense of ... especially if it's YOUR stuff.

Again, in case I wasn't clear the first time: fuck you.

So, what's the issue here exactly?


Super *********
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Sounded like it was personal between you two. So folks can't write books about other people's experience? Maybe I'm missing the point here.


Sounded like it was personal between you two. So folks can't write books about other people's experience? Maybe I'm missing the point here.
Yeah ... you are missing the point (but that doesn't mean you're a 'bad person':)) ... and it's not 'personal' as regards to HIM, it's about principle. I don't know the carpetbagger from squat.

But since it was his FIRST post -- what is it about
??? It's about -- 'Gimme' some 'stories' so I can incorporate them into MY BOOK ... and make some $$$$'. He might as well be selling chewing gum on this website from his internet store in Hong Kong.

Again, a BA in the grade sheet of life ...

And in case I missed it: fuck him.


Super *********
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I get the spam thing, have to follow the rules but in order for anyone to write a book about something, they need knowledge or information. I know you like to be the internet tough guy and all but really? Again, I must be missing the point.


.... I know you like to be the internet tough guy and all but really? Again, I must be missing the point.
Bunkie: you need to throttle back; otherwise you'll get a(nother) crease in your forehead ... but: it's not what I 'like' ... it's what I AM ... by default in most cases. A simple example: how DO you think I got the following moniker(s) from my STUDs:

The Hammer ...

The Truth ...
The Enforcer ...
One Way ...
Mean Ol' Ha'Ole Man ...

'Cause I was a pussy?? Or P.C. ?? Or sharing & caring ... ???

I was a 'tough guy' in reality.
You had to be 'tough' in my squadrons to survive. I didn't ... and DON'T ... suffer fools and incompetents lightly. You can't when you're moving @ 450 KIAS +.

I got those silly nicknames wa-a-a-a-a-ay before the internet was invented. It wasn't 'cause I was necessarily GOOD ... it was 'cause I'm an asshole. I've come to grips w/ that little fact of life ... and you shouldn't worry about it. But at the end of the taxiway ... most of my guys 'loved' me ... said they said they 'liked the way I ran the cockpit' (usually at the end of an emergency) ... and kept asking to fly w/ me 'cause THEY COULD LEARN SOME THINGS ... and/or bid my trips (civvie street) ... and I seldom gave a down -- NAVAIR or CIVVIE-STREET ...

'Cause I ALWAYS believed I could 'save' anyone ... believe that.

You gotta' let it go, man. It is what it is ... :)


Super *********
Super Moderator
I can let it go no, no issue there. There is no doubt a need to be an asshole when it's called for but it wasn't called for, at least not yet I think. Dude, you have to let it go, you are not flying an A-4 at this point and time, not behind the boat, not trying to survive, you are on an internet forum lol. You are funny though, the resident forum ornery old man who is set in his ancient ways. Good comic relief for most of us, thank you lol.
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