Mostly rolled back. The vast majority of drops at this stage is from NAMI (before reaching NIFE). After that it it would be a toss-up between academics and the flying, then DOR's.Is that a 35% fail rate or a 35% got held back rate?
Academics correlates to studying hard more than anything, in my opinion. Yes there's usually some freak studs, but the top guys in my class was a solid mix between stem vs. non-stem, aviation background vs. no aviation background, and in the library 8 hours a day vs. happy hour most nights. However, the guys that seemed to struggle seemed to be the ones going out most nights. Nothing wrong with that, like I said, we had smart guys do that as well, just never saw a guy who studied *efficiently* in groups after class struggle that much. Obviously there are outliers.
In my opinion, the flying boils down to coordination. The EP's/Limits/Checklists aren't that bad, but if you struggle with hand eye coordination, then flying is going to be a little tougher. I'd be interested to hear what Old Salt's think about this. The people I saw struggle most of the time had the checklists down tight. You just get stupid when you step in a cockpit, and if you struggle with coordination, it's just another side to deal with.
Just my opinion, I'd be interested to hear what other people think as well!