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Gun Laws in your state


Well-Known Member
I think the reference was to an R22 helicopter carrying the hog out by sling load.

You ever field dress one of those nasty fvckers???:eek: I have, ONCE. Smelliest creature on earth, IMHO. Leave 'em in the field, buzzards gotta eat too... :D


11.5 years and counting boat free
Though this is supposed to be a parody, it seems very fitting for this thread.



Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
I just had a vision. I was downing brews in a chopper shooting hogs with a machine gun.

God Bless Texas.
But didn't the article say they were trying to avoid bubbas drinking beer and shooting from helicopters? Feral hogs are serious business, this seems to make great sense.

And why did you put up the flag of Puerto Rico?


Registered User
And why did you put up the flag of Puerto Rico?

Them's fightin wurds.

Just because these things are "pigs" and killing them is called "hunting" does not mean that anyone intends to eat all that is killed.

Anyone getting their panties in a twist over it better be eating any fire ants that they kill in their yard and mice that they trap in their house. It's the same concept.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
They already have consequences, it's called criminal laws. I propose you stfu, Illinois.

But plaintiff's lawyers don't make money if criminal charges are the only outcome of a tragedy. They have to get their share of the pie too. It isn't enough the gun owner has to live with a mistake or carelessness that cost a life, and maybe had to defend himself at great expense in criminal court. Nope, no money for a plaintiff lawyer anywhere in there. Give them a $1 million brass ring and they will go for it evey time.


Don't hold your breath...even some of us law abiding citizens won't pay for crap like "Gun Insurance" and still keep our firearms...Hell, I even drove without car insurance for 9 months after college because I couldn't afford it...illegal? yup...irresponsible? probably...but I had to get to work and that extra $120/month put food on the table...

I hear ya on that. I had a few times where I had to drive around without insurance because I was strapped for cash. No way in hell would I ever insure guns though.

There's no way to really enforce this on firearms already owned or bought in other states without massive costs.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I No one in hell would I ever insure guns though.
OK, I don't support forced insurance for gun owners. But I have to ask, if you could afford coverage in case of a gun accident or a lawful shooting in your home, why not? Is it worth your life savings to defend a lawsuit brought by some shyster and his opportunistic client? I especially do not see a problem with insuring guns for loss or theft, which I think is what you posted. They are valuable property. If your renters or homeowners insurance will not cover guns to their full value, get more.


OK, I don't support forced insurance for gun owners. But I have to ask, if you could afford coverage in case of a gun accident or a lawful shooting in your home, why not? Is it worth your life savings to defend a lawsuit brought by some shyster and his opportunistic client? I especially do not see a problem with insuring guns for loss or theft, which I think is what you posted. They are valuable property. If your renters or homeowners insurance will not cover guns to their full value, get more.

I guess what I should I have said is there is no way in hell I'd insure it the way they want.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I guess what I should I have said is there is no way in hell I'd insure it the way they want.

Gotcha. Can't argue with that. I feel so strong about forced gun liability insurance I would resist it even though I personally think it is good for me and I can afford it.