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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


Well-Known Member
A friend of a friend goes there and from what I've heard it's pretty chill for the OC's. You wear your normal Navy uniform, attend PT, and drill once a week. For the most part you are separated from the "Corps of Cadets" or whatever they call it. My buddy is married, so I don't know how a single dude would fare. This is all second hand info and I can't give you the details of the day to day stuff.

FWIW, an engineering degree in STA-21 is tough. I'm only telling you that because I had zero college when I started and am completing Mech E in 33 months. I feel like I've been rushed through the curriculum, and would like to have had more time to absorb the material and get a better idea of engineering in general. I would still do it if I had the choice again, but would have used my time more wisely in my freshman/sophomore semesters. Good luck...


New Member
The Citadel

A friend of a friend goes there and from what I've heard it's pretty chill for the OC's. You wear your normal Navy uniform, attend PT, and drill once a week. For the most part you are separated from the "Corps of Cadets" or whatever they call it. My buddy is married, so I don't know how a single dude would fare. This is all second hand info and I can't give you the details of the day to day stuff.

FWIW, an engineering degree in STA-21 is tough. I'm only telling you that because I had zero college when I started and am completing Mech E in 33 months. I feel like I've been rushed through the curriculum, and would like to have had more time to absorb the material and get a better idea of engineering in general. I would still do it if I had the choice again, but would have used my time more wisely in my freshman/sophomore semesters. Good luck...

Thanks for the quick response.... that is what I have heard too... but now I have some officers telling me that is not the case and this is worrying me.

Anybody out there who attended The Citadel recently?


6th year's a charm?
how about we wait 'til september to start our october count down....it is already moving so painfully slow that a count down will just enhance that slowness...lol (I want my life back!)

Ok...well its 33 more days until September! (or 33 more days until I can start my real countdown!)


New Member
Anyone studying yet for the September Exams? Or is your rate like mine (AWF1) and only promoted 1 person last cycle, so the chances of getting picked up for STA-21 are 10x better than making 1st/2nd/3rd ???

I am studying for Chief right now, but since I have only been in close to 8 years, I don't forsee me getting picked up anytime soon. It is at least giving me something to concentrate on instead of the results.

I want to continue going to school, but the next classes extend in to December. Is it wise to try to take a class that far out? IF by some miracle I am selected, I don't want to have to drop out of my class. (It's Calculus, and I REALLY don't want to have to start that over again)


Well-Known Member
You won't transfer until end of January at the earliest. I would take the class. It's wise to knock out as much school as you can before you leave. It will help even out the amount of credits you have to take each semester while in the program.


New Member
I was wondering the same thing. I am up for cal III next semester and although it would be good to knock it out, if and that is a big if, i get picked up i will be scrambling to get everything done all while trying to take a very difficult class. (if it is anything like cal II with my time constraints, then it is very difficult). I really have not decided what to do yet...so any advice...


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing. I am up for cal III next semester and although it would be good to knock it out, if and that is a big if, i get picked up i will be scrambling to get everything done all while trying to take a very difficult class. (if it is anything like cal II with my time constraints, then it is very difficult). I really have not decided what to do yet...so any advice...

Calc III is an important class, as well as Differential Equations for an engineering major. I would wait and take that class with real professor at your university of choice, rather than try to "get through" it while working a full time job at a community college. My recommendation would be to take some core stuff (art, history, foreign language, etc) in order to clear up your STA-21 schedule for the more academically intensive classes.

FYI, Calc III is not much harder than Calc II, but you better be able to integrate like a mofo, especially with trigonometric substitution.


New Member
Thank you....I was leaning that way. Hearing someone else voice it just confirms it for me. I actually enjoy integration and trig sub is no prob. My hang up is the time dedicating towards the homework and studying for the tests. The repetition is what hammers it in, it is the time needed for the repetition that i dont have right now. I am good to go on all the lower level fillers (eng, hist, soc...etc) I actually have a useless AA (but good for that stuff).

Thanks again


New Member
You shouldn't have to drop from the class. If selected you don't go to NSI until FEB at the earliest, as a matter of fact it's important to keep going to school while your waiting on your package to be processed.


killer boots man!
Hi all....first time posting. I am applying Pilot/Core
6 years USN 6/6/5 59 (Average I guess...no time to re-take)
ACT - 24/22
LOR - O-6/O-4/O-3
MY QUESTION IS : I have a great CO recommendation, great boards, great personal statement. As for as college I have 62 credits but was told by STA-21 that only 32 are transferable. My GPA is about a 3.0. As far as the "Additional Documents", the LOR's, awards, etc., how much do they really factor into the package? I know they are not worth as much as CO recommendation but I am afraid that I am really slacking on the college and ACT score. Will the LOR's help out at all or making the deans list? I could not find any similar posts. Thanks and Good Luck to all Applicants...Oct 20th right?


New Member
October 20th seems like a good day to guess. I am just hoping they come out before Novemeber...this time. If you look early in the thread you will find some information someone posted on how we are scored. I think that you should look at that and it may help put your mind at ease. I understand the pressure to want to know if you are at least competetive. I have officers in my shop at least once a week introducing me to people as the next ensign. I'm glad they all have confidence in my abilities, but really I wonder if they are setting me up for disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Hi all....first time posting. I am applying Pilot/Core
6 years USN 6/6/5 59 (Average I guess...no time to re-take)
ACT - 24/22
LOR - O-6/O-4/O-3
MY QUESTION IS : I have a great CO recommendation, great boards, great personal statement. As for as college I have 62 credits but was told by STA-21 that only 32 are transferable. My GPA is about a 3.0. As far as the "Additional Documents", the LOR's, awards, etc., how much do they really factor into the package? I know they are not worth as much as CO recommendation but I am afraid that I am really slacking on the college and ACT score. Will the LOR's help out at all or making the deans list? I could not find any similar posts. Thanks and Good Luck to all Applicants...Oct 20th right?

STA-21 has no control over what credits are transferrable, that will be up to the college that you choose. Some colleges accept a lot of credits, other don't. You will have to work with your academic advisor when you create you degree plan to figure out what credits will actually count towards your degree.

Most schools have a limit on how many credits they accept from an outside institution, I believe that ODU's requires that you take a least 64 credits hours at ODU in order to receive a degree. This may or may not affect you depending on what your previous classes are and how they transfer.


New Member
Just wondering...

Hi I'm CTI3 and I applied this year for the first time to the STA-21 program.I'm 20 years old I have a 60 credits and an AA degree in a foreign language while keeping a 3.7 GPA throughout. I have several recommendation from officers both active and retired as well as from executives at Lockheed and Martin and Boeing (I'm applying for the Pilot Option) My boards and CO review went very well and most of my COC within the command says I'm very likely to get selected. However, they also say my lack of time in the Navy could work against me (I just hit my 2 year mark yesterday in fact). Does anyone know how things like that can factor into the equation? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. The anticipation is killing me.


New Member
where or how did sta-21 tell you only a certain number of credits will transfer?

i would not worry too much about not having too much time in the navy. there is a certain part of the instruction that specifically addresses that with no negative conotation.