Hello. Just joined - never realized the wealth of information about the reserves available on here! What an amazing resource!
Anyway, I've read the whole thread. I'm currently SELRES and trying to decide between going VTU or ASP within the IRR. When I make the transition I will have 17 years between active and SELRES.
Pros for VTU: if everything else fails, I can just show up to drill and get my points. Keep my CAC card - I can see my points and get into more Navy websites. NOSC support (for whatever that's worth). But the big one is guaranteed points - there's no way for me to not get retirement.
Cons for VTU: all the crap you have to do.
Pros for ASP: can just do courses from home on your own time
Cons for ASP: what if I can't get 3 years worth of points? What if they change the system in 2 years? Seems like coming back from ASP is really hard (going VTU), so if you don't/can't "make it" with your course points, that's it. While reading through this thread, seems in '13 and '14 the Navy really cracked down on what courses you could do without a CAC card. Are people concerned about that happening again?
Thoughts/opinions would be great!!!
Also, I looked through the approved courses and there is a column called "field of study category code", what does that mean? Are Officers allowed to do courses like "Aviation Electrician's Mate (AE)" or "Airman"?
Thanks in advance for the help!