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April 2014 SNA and NFO Board


Frozen Hellscape Survivor
Your definitely not the only one. Not an hour goes by in my daily life where I don't think about the board. I don't know about you but I have known I wanted to do this my entire life since I was like 5 years old. Very excited!

Add me to the list of people that can barely contain myself. I swing between worry and excitement quite a bit. I'm getting somewhat naggy with my OR and Processor, or at least I'm afraid I am. I'm just excited as well as worrying about my 27th birthday that is coming up way too soon.


Add me to the list of people that can barely contain myself. I swing between worry and excitement quite a bit. I'm getting somewhat naggy with my OR and Processor, or at least I'm afraid I am. I'm just excited as well as worrying about my 27th birthday that is coming up way too soon.

You and me both! I will have to be in OCS by July 27th if I want to commission before I am 27. DOB is 10/27.


Hey guys, I'm with you on the excitement front for sure - just been lurking in the background on here for a while. Just wanted to say whatsup! Confession: I'm at the point where I check this thread every hour during work basically - GL to everyone, hopefully its another high selection rate board and an early April one!
Hey guys, I'm with you on the excitement front for sure - just been lurking in the background on here for a while. Just wanted to say whatsup! Confession: I'm at the point where I check this thread every hour during work basically - GL to everyone, hopefully its another high selection rate board and an early April one!

Nice to meet you. We all hope for the same and we are all anxiously waiting for the board to convene. Keep your fingers crossed!!!


What are you guys hearing from your recruiters about possible board dates?

My recruiter has been saying April 14th quite confidently for more than a month now . Now, I don't know if he is just ball parking it or really knows for sure.


Pro-Rec Y SNA
I'll probably text my OR next week and see if he's heard anything. I haven't talked to him since my packet reached PM.

I've asked my recruiter twice if my he can confirm my packet is at the PM but all he says is he hasn't heard back yet from the board. I think there is a communication breakdown, but I understand hes busy. I've sent an email to the processor as well with no feedback. I submitted the Friday before the last board, so i'm guessing I missed that board by a few hours or days, but i'm looking to make sure my package is on the right desk so I don't have to wait again.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If something is wrong it would have gotten kicked back to processor. In all likelihood in that timespan it is at the PM. You need to tell them to check CIRIMS and make sure the packet status says PM or program manager. CIRIMS is a program they use to track the packets.

They don't need to "hear anything" from the board. Just check CIRIMS.
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Count me in again. My recruiter gave me a visit and tells me I am officially in the board this time. I am just putting all my trust in him that my package is in. This will be my first and only board I may be able to get in for aviation putting my age in consideration


SNA hopeful
Just finished my package, now just waiting to see if it gets to the board without any discrepancies. It's been sent out 4 or 5 times and each time comes back for something silly. This is my OR's first package sent up to OCS. Thankfully him and I have been working pretty hard to get all the kinks worked out early. Here are some of my stats that I could think of.

ASTB:6/6/6 54
GPA: 3.0
University: ERAU Daytona beach (incase someone is curious)
Minor in Business
Minor in Finance
Volunteer time 50+ hours
28 flight hours
Prior service Air Force 3.5 yrs
Air Force Reserve 1.5 years.
24 yrs old
LORs:4;2 professors(Both pilot types), retired Air Force Colonel, My supervisor from my Unit E-7
Interview evaluation: NROTC Captian
Programs: SNA/NFO/Supply
Graduation date: Dec '14

If anything holds me back I'm sure it would be my GPA.:(

Good luck to everyone applying this board, if I was religious I'd pray for us all!!:D


Active Member
Just finished my package, now just waiting to see if it gets to the board without any discrepancies. It's been sent out 4 or 5 times and each time comes back for something silly. This is my OR's first package sent up to OCS. Thankfully him and I have been working pretty hard to get all the kinks worked out early. Here are some of my stats that I could think of.

ASTB:6/6/6 54
GPA: 3.0
University: ERAU Daytona beach (incase someone is curious)
Minor in Business
Minor in Finance
Volunteer time 50+ hours
28 flight hours
Prior service Air Force 3.5 yrs
Air Force Reserve 1.5 years.
24 yrs old
LORs:4;2 professors(Both pilot types), retired Air Force Colonel, My supervisor from my Unit E-7
Interview evaluation: NROTC Captian
Programs: SNA/NFO/Supply
Graduation date: Dec '14

If anything holds me back I'm sure it would be my GPA.:(

Good luck to everyone applying this board, if I was religious I'd pray for us all!!:D

What are those "silly things" specifically?