...Except for that one guy in the squadron who sets it all the way forward, so you strap in and wonder why you have to practically curl up in the fetal position to grab the stick... and you have to completely unstrap and stand up to reset it.
And oh yeah, the rudder pedals move.
Honestly though, I think the NACES is decently comfortable. I used to feel like I'd been hit in the ass with a baseball bat after just a 2.0 in the T-34. I've flown 7+ hour missions in the Hornet with virtually no aches and pains. Never felt like I needed that extra ass pad that some guys carry, either. Maybe I'm just naturally padded.
In both the FRS and my fleet squadron, there was language written specifically in the SOP on how to adjust the seats, pedals, and straps for hotseats since a) time is of the essence especially in cyclic ops, and b) some people are annoying and this prevented them from being that way.
The MH-60 seat can move up and down, forward and backwards, and the pedals can move too, and the crash impact attenuation of the seat can be adjusted based on one's weight; they are pretty gucci seats up front. I almost always enjoyed that seat. The TH-57 though... woof. Nothing except the pedals are adjustable, the padding is 30+ years old, and I'm sure the design is going on 60 years old, when ergonomics were not a thing. It's terrible.