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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
Hi I'm CTI3 and I applied this year for the first time to the STA-21 program.I'm 20 years old I have a 60 credits and an AA degree in a foreign language while keeping a 3.7 GPA throughout. I have several recommendation from officers both active and retired as well as from executives at Lockheed and Martin and Boeing (I'm applying for the Pilot Option) My boards and CO review went very well and most of my COC within the command says I'm very likely to get selected. However, they also say my lack of time in the Navy could work against me (I just hit my 2 year mark yesterday in fact). Does anyone know how things like that can factor into the equation? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. The anticipation is killing me.

Don’t stress too much over it. I was in your shoes last year. I actually had less than two when I submitted my package. I hit my two year mark as the board was convening. I was selected as an alternate for core. Yes - it is the Seaman to Admiral Program, and yes, the instruction says that it will not count against you. However, you can't get past that someone with a few more years will have more warfare pins, more evals, and more leadership opportunities. The idea is to show, that with the opportunities you have been given, you have excelled. We do not know who the board members are, so we cannot really say how they will ultimately choose. If you look at the results from last year, they were pretty heavy on second classes and up, but there were some 3rd classes and even a couple SN. I’m not sure this helps you at all, what you have heard is neither right nor wrong. If your package is competitive, you will be there in the mix of things. Just try to relax and let the time pass.


New Member
does anyone know of any alternates that were pulled up to selectees? how often does that happen? additionally, what about alternates that were selected the following year?


New Member
So, I’m looking to attend The Citadel if selected... I would study Computer Science or an Engineering Degree (Computer or Civil)... I feel I want to get the most out of my STA-21 experience and this school is the closest to the Naval Academy I can get at my age.

Is there anyone out there that can give me some insight as to how they operate.... and more importantly what a STA-21 enrollee's day to day involvement with the 'ROTC' unit would be? I am under the impression that it wouldn't be like 'boot camp' as it is for the non-prior cadets, but I’m wondering if I’m making my life more difficult and will see less of my family if I chose The Citadel.

I reported to the unit at a few weeks ago. If you're looking for a Naval Academy type experience your best bet is going to the Naval Academy. The Citadel will not be like that. As far as I can tell we're pretty much like regular ROTC college students at a military school. Once the Fall semester starts the unit PT's MWF and there is a Navy lab Thursday afternoons. If you play soccer for the school you'll most likely be excused from the unit PT sessions... I was told that because I'm on the Lacrosse team and we do our own workouts/practices I don't have to PT with the unit. There are two weekend training exercises a semester as well. The OC's hold leadership positions within the unit so that is available to you as well. Let me know if you have more questions and I can get you in touch with one of the OC's who has been here a while and they can fill you in.


New Member
Ok, I am being totally lazy and I do not feel like looking at the instuction any more! Can someone tell me the minimum amount of credits we have to take once we are selected to the program? I realize we have to take enough to complete our degree requirements in the time alloted, but I will not need to utilize the entire three years. The minimum requirement would be helpful. Thank you.


New Member
Ok, I am being totally lazy and I do not feel like looking at the instuction any more! Can someone tell me the minimum amount of credits we have to take once we are selected to the program? I realize we have to take enough to complete our degree requirements in the time alloted, but I will not need to utilize the entire three years. The minimum requirement would be helpful. Thank you.

Nevermind, 15 during the regular school year and 6 during the summer semester. Sorry!!


New Member
Dual Military

I have a dilema that I need help solving. My husband and I are active duty, and currently on a sea-shore rotation between the two of us. I need to know what will happen if I am commissioned while my husband is on sea duty. Will they allow me to stay on shore duty until his sea tour is up, or will they take him off of sea duty early? If niether of these are an option, will they put us on sea duty at the same time? As muchas I love my career, and the idea of moving on to greater things, the well being of my family has to come first. Is there a way to maintain our rotation?


Ok, I am being totally lazy and I do not feel like looking at the instuction any more! Can someone tell me the minimum amount of credits we have to take once we are selected to the program? I realize we have to take enough to complete our degree requirements in the time alloted, but I will not need to utilize the entire three years. The minimum requirement would be helpful. Thank you.

Sorry but when i look at your last 3 posts, i think you need to have a serious heart to heart with...yourself! you are too lazy to look at the instruction, and want us to solve your family issues. you should have thought about this stuff before you submitted your package. these are the leadership qualities that you are supposed to possess and be able to relay to your people, not come to us with. this especially ticks me off when you have not one, but 2 military members in your family that have dealt with these kind of issues before. look the stuff up, talk to your husband, and figure your stuff out. this is a not a family therapist malpractice.


New Member
I am sorry, but i am going to have to agree with Price on this one a little. I want this so bad and my husband is my biggest fan. He is civil service and does not have the luxury of transferring much at all. We have both talked about this and understand that we may be separated a bit. This is something we are both willing to endure for my career and our life. But to answer your question....regardless of whether you are an officer or not, they will still work with you on co-lo. What program did you apply for NatBull?


killer boots man!
I was told that my lower level credits don't count when I called to ask about notes I had under my package list of contents on the website. I looked over that link posted earlier about how they grade but I couldnt find anything about "Additional Documents" and how much they weigh. I was particularly wondering about how much recommendation letters matter. I am going to transfer into UNF and they will accept all my credits so I don't know why he told me they are only looking at my 32. Another part in that link howed they count non traditional credits seperately.

As far as Natbull....I am in a similar situation. I HAVE NO IDEA! haha. I am sure it will all work out though. They should keep you on a sea shore rotation.


killer boots man!
all my credits are from FSCJ so I am only assuming they will accept them all. Also, based on other people I know that are going to UNF (including my wife). Most of my classes are all lower level so I don't know why they wouldn't.


I looked over that link posted earlier about how they grade but I couldnt find anything about "Additional Documents" and how much they weigh. I was particularly wondering about how much recommendation letters matter.

In that scoresheet, they talk about awarding points to you for your leadership capabilities and positions you have held. the only requirement for add'l docs is to show you have done something to this respect(Plane Captain, Senior Watch Officer, Comm Center Supervisor, etc)


killer boots man!
I included anything and everything that will help. I just hope and I am sure everyone else does too, that the additional documents help balance out the low education score. When looking at that link earlier on it almost seems to me like college is the overall most important.


no, clearly the co endorsement is the most important overall. you can chock up what your pre-score is, and then based off how highly you think of yourself can judge to what the CO endorsement will be scored.